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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 19:45



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 06:58

Alyssa Reid - Without You
I don't wanna go
Baby I don't wanna go
I've cried' I've tried
I came out the otherside
I don't wanna go
Baby I don't wanna go
I've cried' I've tried
How can you see me this way?
And then the music plays
What will be left to say?
I came right out of top
I can make your record stop
I've cried' I've tried
I came out the otherside

Don't wanna leave you this way
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over endlessly waitin'
I finally made it here
Without you
I've been down
But I still made it through
And you know
I've got nothing to lose
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you

I don't wanna stay
Baby I don't wanna stay
I've cried' I'm fine
Catch me on the otherside
I don't wanna stay
Baby I don't wanna stay
I've cried' I'm fine
Don't wanna leave you this way
And then the music plays
What will be left to say?
I came right out of top
I can make your record stop
I've cried' I've tried
I came out the otherside

Don't wanna leave you this way
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over endlessly waitin'
I finally made it here
Without you
I've been down
But I still made it through
And you know
I've got nothing to lose
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Another day
Another reason why I'm alone
You said you'de stay
But lately I've been standing on my own
Here it goes
You said it wouldn't stop
When the records starts to drop
You'll hear me loud and clear
Without you
And then the music plays
What will be left to say?
I came right out of top
I can make your record stop
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over endlessly waitin'
I finally made it here
Without you
I've been down
But I still made it through
And you know
I've got nothing to lose
Oh! Can you hear me say?
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
can make your record
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
can make your record
Over begging and pleading
I finally made it here
Without you
can make your record stop
Record stop' record stop' record stop' record stop' record
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