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帮忙翻译 英语达人 语法要好

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 20:01



热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 04:30

With the fact that world trade liberalization , economic globalization; economic integration ceaselessness are deepened by, the technicality trade wall becomes the new trade obstacle , export trade will within very long segment of period to our country in the days to come proces but more and more big effect. That technicality trade wall current situation and our country therefore, analysing main part that our country is confronted with at present in agricultural exports are repeatedly found out corresponding tactics by the cause , that the technicality trade wall restricts abroad, breaks technicality trade wall restriction on our country , is to be badly in need of a problem solving currently. The thesis analyses an impact of technicality trade wall over our country agricultural exports with passing , helps the legal enterprise escapism technicality trade wall , finds out the countermeasure answering the commerce challenge that the technicality trade wall brings about actively thereby. Put all above into English not using online translation software grammar to be bound to be more smoothly than

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 04:31

With the globalization of economy and trade liberalization continually deepened, technical barriers to trade has become a new trade barriers, and in the future for a very long period of China's export trade. Therefore, the analysis of current China agricultural proct export of the main technical barriers to trade status in China and several foreign technical barriers to trade, find out the cause of the limits of the corresponding strategy, technical barriers to trade in China, is the current limit a problem to solve.
Through the analysis of the papers of technical barriers to trade in farm exports, help enterprise legal effect of technical barriers to trade, and avoid to actively respond to find technical barriers to trade brings business challenges.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 04:31

With the globalization of economy and trade liberalization continually deepened, technical barriers to trade has become a new trade barriers, and in the future for a very long period of China's export trade. Therefore, the analysis of current China agricultural proct export of the main technical barriers to trade status in China and several foreign technical barriers to trade, find out the cause of the limits of the corresponding strategy, technical barriers to trade in China, is the current limit a problem to solve.
Through the analysis of the papers of technical barriers to trade in farm exports, help enterprise legal effect of technical barriers to trade,

热心网友 时间:2024-11-03 04:32

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