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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-25 18:26



热心网友 时间:16小时前

Be ready to help others
Helpful is a virtue. People should help each other to make life even better.
In the bus, we can give seat to the vulnerable groups. On the escalator, we can help some people with mobility problems. We also can go to donate blood to help some patients. We can also donate some things for the people of disaster areas.
As long as we make any effort to help more people. All in all, helping others is a good quality

热心网友 时间:16小时前

Helpfulness new fashion
Helpful is a virtue. People should help each other, make life more beautiful.
On the bus, we can give the disadvantaged seats. In the escalator, we can also help some action inconvenience.We can also offer some blood, help the patient. We also helps people to donate some of the items.
As long as we work hard, we can help more people.Anyhow, helping others is a wonderful thing.

热心网友 时间:16小时前

Helpfulness new fashion
Helpful is a virtue. People should help each other, make life more beautiful.
In the bus, we can give the disadvantaged groups make seat. In the escalator, we can also help some action inconvenience. We can go to donate to help some patients. We can also get some of the people of disaster areas.
As long as we can, just a little to help more people. Anyhow, helping others is a wonderful thing.
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