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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 05:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-12 00:22

Big Boss Man (寓言故事)

  When the body was first made, all the parts wanted to be Boss.

  The brain said, "I should be boss because I control the whole body's responses and functions."

  The feet said, "We should be Boss as we carry the brain about and get him to where he wants to go."

  The hands said, "We should be the Boss because we do all the work and earn all the money."

  And so it went on and on with the heart, the lungs, and the eyes until finally the asshole spoke up. All the parts laughed at the idea of the asshole being the Boss. So the asshole went on strike, blocked itself up and refused to work.

  Within a short time the eyes became crossed, the hands clenched(紧握的) , the feet twitched(抽搐) , the heart and lungs began to panic and the brain fevered. Eventually they all decided that the asshole should be the Boss, so the motion was passed. All the other parts did all the work while the boss just sat and passed out the shit!

  Moral of the story: You don't need brains to be a boss--any asshole will do.

  画蛇添足 (中文翻译)
  In the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu was offering a sacrifice(祭祀,供奉) to his ancestors. After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker(烧杯,大口杯) of wine to his servants. The servants thought that there was not enough wine for all them, and decided to each draw a picture of a snake; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine. One of them drew very rapidly. Seeing that the others were still busy drawing, he added feet to the snake. At this moment another man finished, snatched the beaker and drank the wine, saying, 'A snake doesn't have feet. How can you add feet to a snake? '

  This idiom refers to ruining a venture by doing unnecessary and surplus things.
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