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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 04:58



热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 20:20

3On the discipline construction and specialty construction, schools of different levels, different emphasis. Although the subject construction and specialty construction includes teaching and scientific research, but the overall discipline construction pay more attention to scientific research work and academic level; pay more attention to the professional construction of teaching work and teaching level. Research and teaching research oriented university generally to subject construction as the lead, and the newly built undergraduate course colleges and universities should take the specialty construction as a leader, to discipline construction based on.

Any university to engage in academic, but the emphasis will be different. " Learning" in knowledge," art" is seeking to use. Academic talents should focus on " science", the target is into various types of "home"; applied talents should focus on the " technique", target is into various" division".

4 in the training specifications, special attention should be paid to the cultivation of practice ability. Practical ability is to face the different requirements, through the brain, hands, mouth and the planning, organization, design, manufacture, commissioning, operation, management and the corresponding mode, and the ability to solve practical problems.

5 in the training of the channels, to vigorously carry out cooperative education, open education, open education, with the enterprises, institutions, research institutes and other social institutions, to provide students with the application background, practice environment and training condition.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 20:23

In discipline construction and professional construction, different levels of schools, should have different focuses on. Although the subject construction and professional construction include the teaching and the scientific research, but in general the discipline construction pay more attention to the scientific research work and academic level; Professional construction pay more attention to teaching and teaching level. Research and teaching research university generally to subject construction, led and newly founded undergraduate colleges and universities should be professional construction, led by relying on the discipline construction.
Any university are to academic, but the emphasis will be different. "Learning" focuses on knowledge, "art" is for using. Academic type personnel should be on "learning", the goal is to all kinds of "home"; Applied talents should be on "art", the goal is to all kinds of "t".
4. In the cultivation of the specification, must pay special attention to the cultivation of practice ability. Practice ability is facing different requirements, through the move the brain, to begin, move your mouth and planning, organization, design, manufacture, commissioning, operation and management of the corresponding way, the ability of solving practical problems.
5. In the cultivation of the channels, will vigorously develop cooperative education, education, open the door open teaching, through and enterprise, institution, scientific research institutions or other social institutions of cooperation, and to provide students with application ? back

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 20:23

3 in the disciplines and professional development, different levels of schools, there should be a different emphasis. Although both disciplines and professional development including teaching and research, but in general pay more attention to scientific research disciplines and academic levels; pay more attention to teaching professional development and teaching. Research and teaching and research universities are generally in disciplines as a leader, and the new colleges should be a professional development as a leader, relying disciplines.
Environmental practice and training conditions. A university should engage in any academic, but the focus should be different. "Learning" focuses on knowledge, "surgery" focuses on seeking to use. Academic talent should focus on "learning", the target is into all kinds of "home"; application-oriented talents should focus on "skill", the target is into all kinds of "teacher."
4 in the training specifications, with particular emphasis on practical ability. Practical ability is faced with different requirements, through the brain, hands, mouth and planning, organization, design, production, commissioning, operation, management and other appropriate methods to solve practical problems.
5 channels in the training, we should vigorously cooperate in education, open school, open school, with enterprises, institutions, research institutes or other social agencies, to provide students with background applications, real

热心网友 时间:2024-10-24 20:20

3. In discipline construction and professional construction, different levels of schools, should have different focuses on. Although the subject construction and professional construction include the teaching and the scientific research, but in general the discipline construction pay more attention to the scientific research work and academic level; Professional construction pay more attention to teaching and teaching level. Research and teaching research university generally to subject construction, led and newly founded undergraduate colleges and universities should be professional construction, led by relying on the discipline construction.
Any university are to academic, but the emphasis will be different. "Learning" focuses on knowledge, "art" is for using. Academic type personnel should be on "learning", the goal is to all kinds of "home"; Applied talents should be on "art", the goal is to all kinds of "t".
4. In the cultivation of the specification, must pay special attention to the cultivation of practice ability. Practice ability is facing different requirements, through the move the brain, to begin, move your mouth and planning, organization, design, manufacture, commissioning, operation and management of the corresponding way, the ability of solving practical problems.
5. In the cultivation of the channels, will vigorously develop cooperative education, education, open the door open teaching, through and enterprise, institution, scientific research institutions or other social institutions of cooperation, and to provide students with application background, practice and training environment conditions.
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