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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 02:02



热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 04:14


热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 04:14


热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 04:11


Age: 27

Hometown: Richmond, VA

Audition City: Boston

Favorite Female Artist:
Alicia Keys, Gwen Stefani

Favorite Male Artist:

When did you first start to sing?

5 years old.

Do you have any formal singing training?


What other talents do you have?

I can do funny voices and impressions.

If you don't make it on AMERICAN IDOL, what will you do?

Do whatever I've always done...Survive! Of course, I'd still pursue a career in music.

What are your personal goals in life?

To help educate young people about music and diabetes. I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to be a great Dad someday...I want to meet Magic Johnson and have a floor seat at a Lakers game.

What album would your friends be surprised you own?

Ladies and Gentlemen - George Michael

Who is your AMERICAN IDOL?

My Mom - she's overcome a lot of adverse situations. She's a very strong-willed woman!

Do you have any rituals or things you do each time you perform?

Pray and take deep breaths.

Most embarrassing moments?

My first Hollywood Round Auditions - I forgot the lyrics to the beginning of my song! I thought I was going home for sure.

What has been your proudest moment in life so far?

Making the Top 24.

If you couldn't sing, which talent would you most like to have?

I'd love to be able to play the guitar and piano. I'd like to be taller, just so I can dunk a basketball!

What is your definition of an AMERICAN IDOL?

Someone who can inspire others to accomplish anything they set their mind to do.

Who is your favorite judge and why?

Simon - he doesn't sugarcoat anything.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Probably that I wear an insulin pump.

How has this changed your life?

It's validated my artistry and given me the confidence to accomplish anything I set out to do!

Do you have any lucky charms?

Nope, just my vocal chords.

Who are your heroes in life?

My Mom.

What's been your toughest obstacle in life?

Learning to manage my diabetes.

Do you think the audition process was fair?

For the most part, however I've seen some really talented singers go home.
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