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求翻译下边的文字,感激不尽~ 中国是一个巨大、充满活力的国家。2013年...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 02:19



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 02:18

China is a vast, dynamic nation. In 2013, the economic development of our
country is still in the seek improvement in stability, stability to the good
state, people's consumption ability in growth, hope in science, technology and
design the perfect combination of environment, enjoy the life more intelligent.
The rapid growth of the smartphone is the mainspring of the mobile phone market
growth. All of 2013, China has reached 1.46 billion units, mobile phone
production growth of 23.2%, growth is an increase of 18.9% over the previous
year, with the mobile phone market scale expansion of the company is the
industry competition intensifying, the mobile phone industry competition from
pure product competition evolved into the full range of hardware, software and
service competition. To this, enterprises to actively respond to cell phones in
our country, accelerate product innovation, improve service quality, the
industry as a whole running smoothly, continues to expand production scale, the
foreign trade exports have risen steadily, benefit quality continues to improve,
make electronic manufacturing industry, software industry and telecommunication
industry continued development in our country. At the end of 2013, China
overtook North America, as the world's biggest
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