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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-26 20:22



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 06:44

School builds Yu history having more than hundred years in 1902, now has teacher more than 400 people , student more than 6,000 people, more than 30,000 school library collection of books , laboratory equipment have been advanced , office and the classroom have all allocated multi-media teaching facilities , teachers have loved post being happy to offer as a tribute respectfully already, students have learned being determined to dedicate to the country assiduously!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 06:40

The school set up in 1902, there is the history for more than 100 years, existing more than 400 persons of teacher, more than 6,000 persons of student, the school library library be more than 30,000 volumes, the forerunner, office and classroom of the laboratory equipments all equipment multimedia teaching facilities, the teachers love the Gang be respect-work, take pleasure in offer, the students study assiduous, resolve report effect nation!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 06:39

School builds Yu history having more than hundred years in 1902, now has teacher more than 400 people , student more than 6,000 people, more than 30,000 school library collection of books , laboratory equipment have been advanced , office and the classroom have all allocated multi-media teaching facilities , teachers have loved post being happy to offer as a tribute respectfully already, students have learned being determined to dedicate to the country assiduously!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 06:44

The school set up in 1902, there is the history for more than 100 years, existing more than 400 persons of teacher, more than 6,000 persons of student, the school library library be more than 30,000 volumes, the forerunner, office and classroom of the laboratory equipments all equipment multimedia teaching facilities, the teachers love the Gang be respect-work, take pleasure in offer, the students study assiduous, resolve report effect nation!
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