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My mother ' s busy morning写一篇60字左右的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 05:59



热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 14:11

Every morning my mother is busy, there are a lot of things to do, first for baby red milk, breakfast for the whole family, but also to disinfect baby bottles, and sometimes no vegetables at home, and still go out buy some vegetables, then sometimes the first One night live (rub baby toys, wiping the floor and wash the baby clothes replaced) did not finish, but also to finish the morning. In short, afterwards my mother is always busy in the morning, time is always very tight, often to go to work no later than not at home to eat breakfast. Still the case this morning, my mother was in the kitchen for breakfast, I heard shouting in the living room downtown baby, my mother thought that what had happened, they open the door so minutely that point. The original is wrapped around the baby's grandfather child support to dry clothes, grandfather not to, then Buyiburao Luanhan barking. Grandpa is not there to smiling, after a while child, baby and mother showed the trouble that you see downtown baby doing? At this time, I saw his wish to stir, happily holding a child support back to the living room from the balcony to stop in front of the sofa, and then knelt down, lie down on the ground, ears forward, eyes staring at the sofa eyeing the following, and then slowly to support the child little by little will go into, and then if the purpose of Luan Tong, not without a stretch, and pretty soon, and my father to buy a small ball will hit the ball out of trouble watching the baby and mother grandmother grandfather proud smile , it seems also for his victory cry. Grandfather while also proud to say that this kid imitation exceptionally strong, can not see other people do things, do it again, he learned, they learned to practice. Xi'an is also the case in the beginning, his stuff is to go under the table or bed to call my grandfather or grandmother, in the end, he does not let us touch, are out of his own. Good son, ability quite strong, finally which is stronger than your dad much.


热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 14:13

Every morning my mother is busy, there are a lot of things to do, first for baby red milk, breakfast for the whole family, but also to disinfect baby bottles, and sometimes no vegetables at home, and still go out buy some vegetables, then sometimes the first One night live (rub baby toys, wiping the floor and wash the baby clothes replaced) did not finish, but also to finish the morning. In short, afterwards my mother is always busy in the morning, time is always very tight, often to go to work no later than not at home to eat breakfast. Still the case this morning, my mother was in the kitchen for breakfast, I heard shouting in the living room downtown baby, my mother thought that what had happened, they open the door so minutely that point. The original is wrapped around the baby's grandfather child support to dry clothes, grandfather not to, then Buyiburao Luanhan barking. Grandpa is not there to smiling, after a while child, baby and mother showed the trouble that you see downtown baby doing? At this time, I saw his wish to stir, happily holding a child support back to the living room from the balcony to stop in front of the sofa, and then knelt down, lie down

热心网友 时间:2024-11-06 14:08

My mother's busy morning

When the sun first showed its face from the landscape, my mother got up and began her busy morning. She prepared breakfast for us three and then went to do laundry. Next, she helped my sister with her homework and played with her for a while afterwards. Finally, she collapsed on the sofa and took a good refreshing nap.
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