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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 06:02



热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 00:42

abstract: harmonious public regualtion system(prs) is the key to establish a harmonious society. In order to accomplish a harmonious society, it not only requires a harmonious design and a harmonious PRS, but also a harmonious concted harmonious PRS and a harmonious PRS checked harmonious performance.

Charpter one: introction.
Charpter two: harmoniously design harmonious PRS
Charpter three: harmoniously conct harmonious PRS
Charpter four: harmoniously check harmonious PRS by performance

Charpter five: Conclusion

热心网友 时间:2024-11-08 00:42

Content summary: The harmonious public administration system is the construction harmonious society's key. Constructs the harmonious public administration system already to by the harmony idea design harmonious public administration system, must by the harmony behavior implementation harmonious public administration system, but must by the harmony achievements examination harmonious public administration system. this paper is divided the following several parts: the first part: Introction. second part of harmonious idea design harmonious public administration system the third part: Harmonious behavior implementation harmonious public administration system the fourth part: Harmonious achievements examination harmonious public administration system the fifth part: Conclusion.
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