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急求!!求大神帮忙,英文翻译 不要机翻 谢谢~!!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 07:08



热心网友 时间:2024-10-12 10:28

Community construction is our country's economic and social development to a certain stage, the proct of a certain level, is the foundation of urban modernization and key, also is the foundation of building a harmonious socialist society, it is indispensable to a wide range of community participation. With the rapid development of market economy in our country, our country city community has become more mature and perfect, the urban community residents to participate in research has become a hot and key research. Community residents in the community construction and development is the role of ownership, so community construction is the social basis of residents participate in. Community residents in community construction should take the initiative to exert their subjective initiative, so that they can really participate in community construction and development.Related to community residents to participate in China's current research is still in its primary stage, still needs the efforts of experts, continue to theoretically analyze and improve continuously, can get in under the guidance of scientific theory, essentially improve the level of the residents participate in community construction. This paper, taking shijiazhuang QiaoXiOu part of the community residents as the research object, using the research method of the survey and the interview,
Through their own learning and practice, aiming at shijiazhuang QiaoXiOu citizens to participate in the current situation and existing problems of community construction, concrete reason makes a preliminary analysis, and proposes the strengthening of community residents to participate in some Suggestions and measures for implementation, hope that through these reforms can to a certain extent, improve the level of urban community residents participate in.

请英语高手帮忙翻译成中文,急急!!! (不要机械翻) 谢谢

描述 玻璃小瓶 Gluco-钙 (钙糖酸的盐) 包含 18 mg.of 钙 (0.898 mEq.)每一毫升。 酚,0.2%, 被当作防腐剂使用。三十 mililiters 在对 60 ml.of 钙 gluconate 的百分之 10 解决的钙内容是相等的或至 20 毫升。 钙氯化物的百分之 10 解决。ACTIONS 钙在身体中是第五大部分丰富的元素,...


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However , I am going to try my best to return the money to that guy .


你好!经翻译得出的结果是:由井knownsol–凝胶技术制备了由sterte钛基阳离子(1986)与盐酸/ Ti isopropoxidemolar比等于10和10毫摩尔每GOF蒙脱石钛量,根据条件文献报道(删除卡斯蒂略等人。,1997;巴尔韦德等人,2002,2003。)。蒙脱石是其保持在323 K在3小时understirring和水洗离心。最后得到的两ph...

求高手帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢了!不要机翻

Turkey is with rich connotations in English,for example,talk turkey means talking frankly and straightforwardly or getting down to business, cold turkey means complete and abrupt withdrawal of all addictive drugs or anything else on which you have become dependent.To a Chinese, it ...


which could lead to weight gain.In our family, cooking is primarily a task handled by my mother, who excels at dishes like dumplings and noodles with minced pork and broth. She creates a variety of dumplings, stuffing them with an assortment of meats and vegetables. Among these,...


Summer vacation starts a new term, I will read university grade two

急求!!求大神帮忙,英文翻译 不要机翻 谢谢~!!

it is indispensable to a wide range of community participation. With the rapid development of market economy in our country, our country city community has become more mature and perfect, the urban community residents to participate in research has become a hot and key research. Commun...

帮忙翻译几句英语!机器翻译的不要,要按顺序 谢谢了。

2. 我对袜子的兴趣很快便被我对他的兴趣所取代。3. 【mainthan不是一个英文字,可能楼主打错了,所以用believe取代,翻译过来是】他们相信旅行能让他们的知识更为广博。4. 他们却为旅行所需要的大量金钱和体力争论旅行的益处。5. 需要英文的意思的话原文可以翻为 Actually, travelling does far more...

请帮忙翻译成英文, 不要机翻的,谢谢!

My favorite food is hamburger.It is usually made by two pieces of soft bread, a piece of chicken, crispy lettuce and cheese. I like hamburgers because it is very delicious.But I can't eat to many for it's content to much fat and oil and will make me fat.usually cooking...

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