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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 12:03



热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 07:11

In the dark difficult vanguard people may in a flash of lightning, discovers suddenly at the foot of the road, the landscape has changed completely before eyes, when the familiar has become strange, what we can do is only to change ourselves to deal with this some. If the countries in the world are still in the center of power, then what position change? One word: everything. "All of this change.追问一点不错,我就是外语系,但是你翻译的很烂啊,感觉有点.... 总而言之还是谢了

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 07:12

Crawling in the dark people may have in a flash of lightning, suddenly found at the foot of the road, in front of the landforms have been completely changed, when the familiar has become strange, what we can do is only to change ourselves to deal with it. If the countries in the world still rule the center position, so what has changed? In a word: all." For all this change.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-14 07:12

People who ahead difficultly in the dark may suddently find that the roads under their feet and the surface features have completely changed in a flash of lightning.
What we can do is only to change ourselves to deal with these( some).
If the country in the world is still in a dominant center, so what has changed?
In a short: Everything (is). change for Everything here.
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