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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 07:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 13:35

Dream of Westward Journey Mobile: In-depth Analysis of Red孩儿's Potential

Red孩儿, a powerful spell-based character, is definitely worth considering for your team in the game. This guide delves into his skills, suitable门派, and effective team compositions.

Skills and Stats

As a Type 142武勋, Red孩儿 is unlocked at various stages: 7 days for 85,700银币, 30 days for 300,000银币, and permanently for 3,000,000银币. Key skills include:

飞沙走石: Multiple-target spell attack
风卷残云: All-target spell attack, reduces opponents' magic defense
三味真火: Targeted spell attack with priority
宁神决: Cures poison and restores health
火云术: Reduces target's physical and spell defense for 3 turns
叱咤: Significantly boosts spell critical hits

门派 Recommendation

Red孩儿's popularity lies in his potential for spell critical hits and the defensive debuff.大唐官府, 龙宫, and 狮驼岭 are highly recommended due to his synergy with these supportive environments.

Recommended Teams

There are three main strategies:

Wussy Style:观音,唐僧, Main Character (DT, ST), Red孩儿, and White Dragon. Focuses on sustained play and relies on support.
One-Turn Wonder:观音, Red孩儿, White Dragon, Dragon King, and Main Character (Dragon Palace, Lion Tiger). Aim for quick, decisive victories.
Control Mastery:紫霞,镇元大仙,观音, Monkey (DT Main), and Red孩儿. Utilizes control to create opportunities for kills.

While each strategy has its strengths, they also come with trade-offs. The Wussy Style is steady but may struggle with prolonged battles, while the One-Turn Wonder relies heavily on one-hit kills, and the Control Mastery focuses on control but lacks consistent输出.

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