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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 06:07



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 15:21

First of all, I want to thank my parents, because without them, I won’t be standing here today.
Then, I want to give thanks to our teacher***, because we won’t be so harmony without your supervision.
At last, the most important, and I want to thank most.
Please allow me to say something first.
When I step into this school at the first day, everything is so strange to me.
Strange classmate, strange teachers and strange environment
As the new term begins, we get in touch with each other day by day.
I feel warm ever since.
The caring words, and sincere regards almost the things I have to experience everyday.
“it’s cold today, you should wear more clothes in case of catching cold.”
“you should go to bed early”
“why you look so pale, are you ok?”
Among them, there are some people older than me, and some smaller than me.
They are my classmates
I really appreciate, for you give so much care and love to me.
When I am lost and distressed, you give me advice and comfort.
I will remember what you have told me forever.
“don’t say thank you, we are family.”
Yes , we are family, I will remember it forever.
At last,
I want to thank the school
And my major
And I love this school, this major, the teacher here, and my classmates.
What’s more, I love our 070M1

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 15:21

First, thank my parents down,
because of having had their ,
reason why is able to have me just
now, only meeting has the secondary
today , thank our teacher * * *,
because of the administration
having had you, our only meeting so
that harmony is final , are the
most important harmoniously, is
also that I listen to me want to
thank most first say a segment of
words just do this school , all is
a strange strange schoolmate, The
strange environment is in the
strange teacher with new school
term beginning day-by-day contact
the sincere utterance sound ragards
being hit by the warm sentences
regard that I feel being
unprecedented in the nation's
history having the woollen cloth
catching cold " " in clothes middle
why still not sleeping on almost
the thing " weather having become
every day must experience has
cooled down much, breakfast sleeps
" " the look is so bad , where is
uncomfortable? Have bigger than me
child in them, also have smaller
than me child they, be my
schoolmate now thanks you really
very much, I am in so-called regard
when I am perplexed , pained , am
also that you enlighten me, try to
persuade me what , We are of the
same family I keep you in memory
forever once checked my doctrine's"
thanking for being" is one family
to us, I keep this words in memory
forever I think that special field
is simultaneous finally, thanking
this school thanking this, I also
love this school , love this
special field , the teacher who
loves here , the schoolmate who
loves here, love our 070 M1 more
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