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I Know Where I'Ve Been ("Hairspray") 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 04:39



热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 11:41

歌曲名:I Know Where I'Ve Been ("Hairspray")
歌手:Queen Latifah
专辑:Trav'Lin' Light

I Know Where I've Been
Queen Latifah
Hairspray OST
There's a light
In the darkness
Though the night
Is black as my skin
There's a light
Burning bright
Showing me the way
But I know where I've been
There's a cry
In the distance
It's a voice
That comes from deep within
There's a cry
Asking why
I pray the answer's up ahead
'Cause I know where I've been
There's a road
We've been traveling
Lost so many on the way
But the riches
Will be plenty
Worth the price the price we
Had to pay
There's a dream
In the future
There's a struggle that
We have yet to win
And there's pride
In my heart
'Cause I know
Where I'm going yes I do
And I know where I've been
There's a road
We must travel
There's a promise that
We must make
'Cause the riches
Will be plenty
Worth the risk
And chances that we take
There's a dream
In the future
There's a struggle that
We have yet to win
Use that pride
In our hearts
To lift us up
To tomorrow
'Cause just to sit still
Would be a sin
And lord knows I know..
Where I've been
Oh! When we win
I'll give thanks to my god
'Cause i know where i've been


热心网友 时间:2024-10-05 11:39

歌曲名:I Know Where I'Ve Been ("Hairspray")
歌手:Queen Latifah
专辑:Trav'Lin' Light

I Know Where I've Been
Queen Latifah
Hairspray OST
There's a light
In the darkness
Though the night
Is black as my skin
There's a light
Burning bright
Showing me the way
But I know where I've been
There's a cry
In the distance
It's a voice
That comes from deep within
There's a cry
Asking why
I pray the answer's up ahead
'Cause I know where I've been
There's a road
We've been traveling
Lost so many on the way
But the riches
Will be plenty
Worth the price the price we
Had to pay
There's a dream
In the future
There's a struggle that
We have yet to win
And there's pride
In my heart
'Cause I know
Where I'm going yes I do
And I know where I've been
There's a road
We must travel
There's a promise that
We must make
'Cause the riches
Will be plenty
Worth the risk
And chances that we take
There's a dream
In the future
There's a struggle that
We have yet to win
Use that pride
In our hearts
To lift us up
To tomorrow
'Cause just to sit still
Would be a sin
And lord knows I know..
Where I've been
Oh! When we win
I'll give thanks to my god
'Cause i know where i've been

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