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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 06:29



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 10:34

I will introduce a new student to you.
Let me introduce you a new student.
Let me show you a new student to you.

Let me show you a new student to you.


i will introduce one of my friends to you. (名字)


hello my friend, this is a new student here.


Hello, everyone. I am so glad to introduce a new friend to you. This is Herry. He is 14 years old. He looks tall and he is medium built. He has short curly hair. He has a small nose and a big mouth. He usually wears glasses. He wears white shirt with blue pants. ...


给对方介绍朋友用this is Hello, everyone. This is Jenny. She is from America.


Hello, everyone! Today I'd like to introduce a new classmate to you. His name is Tom Smith. He is 150cm tall and he is 14 years old. He lives in 26 Green Road. And he comes from America. He loves music, and he likes reading and playing soccer. His telephone is ...

...你遇到了一个新同学 你们需要互相介绍自己的英语对话

Hello,everyone !I'm Bob who is in the Chengbei School. Alough I am a new student there ,my classmates are very friendly to me.Everyone in the class show their best love for each other . What attracks me most there is its view ,the environment is so beautiful that birds ...


I'm writing this letter to you to introduce to you a new friend.His name is Li Hua, a friend of mine who is going to transfer to your school soon.Li is very good at drawing and computer technologies. He is also very competent in English reading and writing. Unlike me, ...


英文: Hello everybody, today I want to introduce one of my good friend, her name is Wang Zehui, she is 15 years old, her birthday is February 15 each year, she loves to play basketball with us, and sometimes We play ping-pong, her favorite movie star Andy Lau, Andy Lau...


Hello, everyone. We have a new friend today. This is Mike, he's from America. He is thirteen years old now. He likes playing baseball and basketball. He is good at Maths. I hope you can get on well with him.

同学们英语怎么说 你你用英语怎么说 朋友用英语怎么说 你叫什么名字英语怎么说 同学用英语怎么写 学生英语怎么说 你来自哪里用英语怎么说 朋友的英语怎么写 很高兴见到你用英语怎么说
茶映人生:苦尽甘来 海尔冰箱冷藏室和冷冻室都是空空的通上电工作会更耗电吗? 上菱冰箱用过7年了,1米5高有点大,我每天冰箱里面只冻半斤肉,冷藏室其它... 结婚前个人的保险结婚后转成存单是属于个人财产还是夫妻双方的财产_百 ... 六个月宝宝大便水样蛋花怎么办 宝宝拉蛋花样便怎么办 ...张仙亲送玉麒麟,一家老少皆欢喜,祖德宗功信可凭。 我见青山多妩媚,料青山见我应如是意思 料青山见我应如是的意思_百度知... 电脑导航用哪个比较好电脑用什么网址导航哪个更好用 电脑看地图哪个好电脑上的哪个地图软件好 哪位对昆虫比较懂的大哥帮我看一下这是什么虫子,有没有毒! 皇上,你还记得当年大明湖畔的夏雨荷吗? 成熟男人的经典语句成熟语句发朋友圈 成熟男生朋友圈配文35句_成熟男人魅力朋友圈_成熟男人有魅力的说说 按摩时骨头响怎么回事 求女主修仙仙侠类小说,要虐虐虐的,最好结局是好的~~~过程越虐越好。最近... ...奶奶讲话说爸爸快不行了!!!夜里醒了,就睡不着了,这预示着什么... 最近心情不不好老是做噩梦,昨晚梦见谁接近我睡觉就倒霉,这是什么预兆... 梦见很多损坏的佛像,什么意思?还梦见去泰国旅游,父亲碰掉了类似于宗教... 工行年费标准是什么 工行白金信用卡年费是多少钱 威海扬格国际是加盟形式的培训学校吗? 威海英语培训学校哪一个比较好 x52铣床快移走刀挂不上如何调正? excel表格里输入了很多个物料名称也有重复的,我想把它分类放到其它表格... 加拿大私立高中那些比较好 温哥华派特森私立高中怎么样 加拿大温哥华最好的私立高中是哪间? 温哥华有哪些高中 加拿大温哥华圣母高中怎么样 打完溶解酶多久消肿 梦想世界3d手游什么职业厉害介绍_梦想世界3d手游什么职业厉害是什么 梦想世界3D平民职业怎么选 哪个职业适合平民 原神出行整备活动网址是什么介绍_原神出行整备活动网址是什么是什么 原神莱欧斯利网页活动地址是什么-莱欧斯利网页活动地址一览 原神网址是什么? 北部湾壹号开发商是哪家 北部湾壹号雅苑能买吗 WiFi收益宝APP赚钱流程是怎样的? "十来(个)"的词性是什么 西瓜切成多份用哪个量词 玻尿酸填充丰苹果肌在重庆需要多少钱? 玻尿酸填充丰苹果肌在苏州需要多少钱? 脂肪填充脸多少钱 早上起来脸部浮肿 安装WIN7,播放音乐,QQ提示音,开机音。。。只要有声音就会有滋滋滋的杂音... 大家觉得薏仁米美白效果大吗?为什么喝了一个月的薏仁粥也没有变白... 女人中午梦见自家窗台烂掉了? 笔记本电脑装了win7的系统以后,喇叭就有杂音 7.5千瓦的空压机能用11千瓦的空压机开关吗?