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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-29 20:16



热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 21:42

1、The meaning of Audi's token: four brothers hand in hand

2、The token of new type of AUdi, which is proced by VOLKSWAGEN Group German, is four interlinking rings.

3、These four rings implies that the company was incorporated from four companies: Horch, AUdi, DWK and Wanderer.

4、Each ring stands for a compnay, respectively.

5、These four rings, in the same radius, are interlinking closely, which means the four companies are in close relationship of equal, mutual benefit and collaboration, in addition to the corporate spirit of striving hard to make greater progress

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 21:43

Audi symbol meaning: Brother four manpower tussah silk waste Germany Volkswagenwerk proces Audi (AUdi) the passenger vehicle symbol is 4 series circles, a 4 ring expressed that initially was by Huo, Audi, DKW and Wand 4 consolidations of corporation becomes. each link is a company's symbol. radius equal four thread up the ring, the professional dedication which the symbol company member equality, mutually beneficial, the cooperation intimate relation and is uplifting.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 21:43

Audi symbol means four brothers put their hands together

Four circles linked together is the symbol for the autocars proced by Audi Car company,German.

Four circles represent four Companines, Horold,Audi,DKW and Wonder,they were merged into a new Audi company.Each circle presents a company of these four.

The four tightly linked circles with same radius symblize equality, mutual benefit and cooperation in intimated relationship and strugling efforts between members.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-10 21:44

Audi's symbol means four brothers are hands in hands

Four circles linked together is the symbol for the autocars proced by Audi Car company,German.

Four circles represent four Companines, Horold,Audi,DKW and Wonder,they were merged into a new Audi company.Each circle presents a company of these four.

The four linked circles with same radius symblize equality, mutual benefit and cooperation in intimated relationship and strugling efforts between members.
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