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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-30 07:56



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 05:59

  The life , the character circle in the air on March 5 , 1898 world. Pet name for a child , big mythical bird. Zeng uses to fly , Wuhao , few mountain , crown wait mechanically. Ancestral home Zhejiang Shaoxing, is born in Jiangsu Huai An. Study in entering Tianjin Nankai in 1913. Japan who studies abroad in 1917. Return back to homeland in 1919. Participate in the May 4th Movement , organize the consciousness agency in Tianjin, be engaged in anti-imperialist , the anti-feudal revolution activity. Run a school on the basis of self-supporting through hard work till successively going to France and Germany in 1924 in 1920 , propagate Marxism in the residing in Europe Chinese student and worker , initiate (the queen switches over to call a residing in Europe Chinese socialism Youth League) residing in Europe Chinese teenager of organization Communist Party. Shift to Communist Party of China in 1922 (be introced that) by Zhang Shen Fu and others, Ren residing in Europe general Chinese socialism Youth League branch secretary, the leader participating in residing in Europe general the Communist Party of China branch works and , build the significant effect having worked up agglomerate to Model T Party building. Returned back to homeland from Paris in August , 1924 , once assumed a post of the Huangpu Military Academy chief of political department, National Revolutionary Army the first armies chief of political department, the Communist Party of China Guangdong and Guangxi chairman of a committee of district committee , member of the standing committee are military affairs concurrently growing , host the revolution armed forces Ye Ting independent regiment building the direct leader of Party. The leader has carried out the first, two time of east symbols in February , 1925 , in October, has been to consolidate and develop Guangdong revolutionary base areas and go along to send an expedition northward having made major contribution. In 1926 National Institute of Peasant Movement instructs the military affairs course , winter of the same age arrives at Shanghai once in Guangzhou, let the Central military Commission of the PRC clerk of the Communist Party of China be the clerk of Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China Jiangsu-Zhejiang district committee concurrently. Lead Shanghai worker third time an armed rebellion to gain victory in March , 1927; Have led the August 1Nanchang Uprising in August , have made a good start of the first guns to Kuomintang reactionaries, be establish the people's army having made important contribution, assume a post of the Communist Party of China front committee clerk in the uprising. "87" convention is upper with the month in the Communist Party of China , is elected as alternate member of Political Bureau of the Central Committee. Attend 6th National Congress of the CPC in 1928, report having done about military affairs problem and organization problem in at the meeting. The queen insists on underground work in Shanghai, Ren the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China head of the ministry of organization , the Central military Commission of the PRC clerk, once announced mop up "the instruction message that everything shifts within the party before "mental consciousness and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" being not a proletariat give the Fourth Army of the Red Army determinedly". Enter the central authority revolutionary base areas queen in January , 1931, Ren the Communist Party of China Soviet Area central authority bureau clerk, the general political commissar of Chinese Workers' and Peasant's Red Army is the political commissar of the first front armies concurrently, vice-chairman of revolution Military Commission of central authority. The war together, having led spring in 1933 and Zhu De to "campaign against encirclement and suppression" and commanding, has got significant victory. In January , 1935 convention is upper in Zunyi , support the Maoist correct route determinedly, be establish the Mao Zedong leading position in entire Party, have got the very important effect. Behind Zunyi convention, still assume a post of the vice-chairman of revolution Military Commission of central authority , let three people of central authority military affairs command the member of group and. Chiang Kai-shek who in January , 1936 is let full-fledged member of the Communist Party of China go to Xi'an and is arrested has carried out negotiation , has settled the Xi'an Incident peacefully. The Anti-Japanese War period, assumes a post of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China representative and the south bureau clerk , assume a post of and vice-minister of political department of Kuomintang Military Commission of government, the long range carries out Party's work and work of the united front in encamping in Kuomintang government location Wuhan , Chongqing. Go to Chongqing with Mao Zedong in August , 1945, the negotiation being in progress fights with Kuomintang, "double-ten agreement" concluding and signing the day afer tomorrow , lead delegation of the Communist Party of China to stay in Chongqing and Nanjing. Come back to Yan'an from Nanjing in November , 1946. Kuomintang in March , 1947 is fought successively in time troops attacks against key sectors Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area in northern Shaanxi, the same year lets the Central military Commission of the PRC vice-chairman be Chief of the General Staff who acts for the Central military Commission of the PRC concurrently in August. Join Shen , Pingjin , three big Huai Hai battle having led Liaoning and commanding in September , 1948,the same year has let the Central military Commission of the PRC vice-chairman be Chief of the General Staff concurrently in November , has been to overthrow reactionary Kuomintang ruling , seizure of power by armed forces , to establish new China of socialism , has built immortal contribution. Successively hold the posts of Prime Minister of government , Foreign Minister (hold a concurrent post) , the Central military Commission of the PRC vice-chairman of the Communist Party of China after building up a country,the first National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference CPPCC vice-chairman , second, three sessions of chairmen. Be the Communist Party of China five central committee member, the Communist Party of China six till the ten political bureau member of central authority, clerk of the Communist Party of China of six sessions , seven sessions of Secretariat of the Central Committee , the Communist Party of China eight till the ten standing committee member of political bureau of central authority, vice-chairman of the Communist Party of China of eight sessions , ten sessions of Central Committee, one till the deputy to the 4th National People's Congress. And while bearing the day-to-day affairs handling Party and the country, a Mao Zedong route , general and specific policies having worked out Party's socialist construction,; Several developing the national economy Five-Year Plan all is that he hosts in person work out a sum initiating and putting into operation. The guiding principle bringing forward adjustment , consolidation , supplementation and standard raising in 1960, adopts a series of measures and , makes national economy recover and develop smoothly. Having brought forward the Chinese intellectual most already is intellectual of the toiling masses , science and technology has a crucial role in China's modernization drive waiting for a viewpoint, correct socialist construction It both great importance. In international affairs, participation has worked out and carried out in person the significant diplomacy decision-making, have suggested that the diplomacy job is hit by a series of concrete guiding principle and policy, creativeness the field has implemented the Party's revolution diplomacy route. Have proposed famous Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in 1954. Lead Chinese delegation to attend the first time Asian-African Conference in April , 1955, have made convention pass Ten Principles of Banng Conference taking the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as basis. Attend Communist Party of USSR in 1961, twenty two are big, behavior splitting international communist movement to Khrushchev Corp., have been in progress determined fight with. And in "the Cultural Revolution", pay attention to the interests of the whole , bear hardship without complaint, be that regularity continuing carrying out Party and the country works , tries one's best to cut down loss , shed self's blood for the inside and outside cadre of Party who protects large amounts of,plot of Corp. of counterrevolution or counterrevolutionary has carried out various form fighting with with Lin Biao , Jiang Qing. Represent Party put forward on fourth National People's Congress: Within the century, realize the agriculture , instry , national defence and modernization of science technology all round, magnificence making our country national economy take its place in the front ranks of the world plans. After being ill in 1972, always persist in working. Pass away in Beijing on January 8 , 1976, all the year round 77-year-old. The main book is woven being "Zhou Enlai selections ". Wife Deng Ying Chao.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 06:00

Zhou Enlai: The life , the character circle in the air on March 5 , 1898 world. Pet name for a child , big mythical bird. Zeng uses to fly , Wuhao , few mountain , crown wait mechanically. Ancestral home Zhejiang Shaoxing, is born in Jiangsu Huai An. Pass away in Beijing on January 8 , 1976, all the year round 77-year-old. The main book is woven being "Zhou Enlai selections ". Wife Deng Ying Chao.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 06:00

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