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高中英语作文:Is sport really good for us为题,急急急!!!在线等_百度...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-06 07:46



热心网友 时间:2024-09-06 08:22

Many may argue that sport is not essential in this fast pace modern life, however, sport is indeed really good for our health!
With the aid of sport, we are energized in all the activities we will be involving to. we become healthier and fitter. Not only that, we build our muscles and strengthened our bones, we practiced our agility and improves our physical reactivity. we managed to master the critical life skills such as swimming, running through sports. our well balanced body is another aftermath of sports.
with sports, we are not only going to be the superman in the field of physical health but mental health too. as all of us know, sportsman breathed in more air than normal human beings, we practiced sports and developed our lungs, with the extra air we are breathing in with, we get to think faster and we think smarter.
on top of that, we meet true friends through sports. the spirit of sport, the leadership, the friendship, the cooperation, the help from our sport mates, all these constructed our social health. in addition, sports add color to our austere lifestyle, we experience more from the sweet and sour of sports. we grow from the success and lose in sport. we build a stronger, tougher man at the most challenging problems sports might provide for us. we learn to work with others, we learn to lead others, we learn to follow the righteousness, we learn to deny the evilness.
People, why don't you start to get a sport today?

热心网友 时间:2024-09-06 08:20

firstly,do sports can make us stronger
secondly,do sports can bring us a healthy body
thirdly, do sports can relax our tired mind

热心网友 时间:2024-09-06 08:22

It is known that August 8th is National Fitness Day after Beijing Olympic Games had been held successfully. Sport has become an important access to spreading healthy lifestyle. But here's a question:Is sport really good for us? The answer differs from different people. Some people don't like sports, they think sport is not the only way to build a strong body. For example, diet is also very important. However, the other people believe that sport not only helps them to stay fit and healthy but also makes them feel happy. They can learn how to face failure and difficulties, too. In my opinion, sport is good for youngsters who are growing very fast. We need to take exercise to become stronger and higher and to prevent diseases. So students should take sport regularly instead of sitting too much time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 欢迎五星采纳
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