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Anybody know the difference between "committee" and "commission...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-06 05:58



热心网友 时间:2024-09-28 22:15

A committee is "a body of persons delegated to consider, investigate, take action on, or report on some matter; especially : a group of fellow legislators chosen by a legislative body to give consideration to legislative matters" or "a self-constituted organization for the promotion of a common object".

A commission is "a group of persons directed to perform some duty" or "a government agency having administrative, legislative, or judicial powers" or "a city council having legislative and executive functions"

(definitions from http://www.webster.com

Generally they are similiar in meaning but one or the other would be used in different contexts.

I suggest to understand the difference it is best to look at the MISSION STATEMENTS of some "comittees" and "commissions" and then you can get a general idea of the difference.

Here is an example:
GRCC Transportation Advisory Committee's Mission Statement

To provide our campus community with a safe and efficient transportation plan that will enhance the accessibility, mobility and parking on campus.
The student–athlete advisory committee (SAAC) mission is to enhance the total student–athlete experience by developing student–athlete leadership skills, promoting student-athlete welfare, and fostering a positive student–athlete image on the U if I campus, local community, and state and national levels.
Diversity Committee Mission Statement


The Diversity Committee is dedicated to increasing diversity at the postdoctoral level.

The goals of this committee include:
To encourage, foster, and increase diversity in the postdoctoral ranks across universities and research institutions nationwide;

To increase awareness of the importance of diversity within the academic and research communities;

To organize symposia and events at national conferences to address these goals; and

To target colleges, universities and research institutions to both learn about issues relevant
to potentially underrepresented postdoc groups, and to encourage networking, mentoring, and promotion of postdoctoral work among these groups.

It is the California Energy Commission's mission to assess, advocate and act through public/private partnerships to improve energy systems that promote a strong economy and a healthy environment.
The mission of the ABLE Commission is to protect the public welfare and interest in the enforcement of the laws pertaining to alcoholic beverages, charity games, and youth access to tobacco.
The mission of the Washington State Conservation Commission is to lead the citizens of the state in the wise stewardship, conservation, and protection of soil, water, and related natural resources on private lands. The Conservation Commission does this by providing structure and leadership for good governance by conservation districts who provide education, technical assistance, and implementation of land management practices.
The Commission will conduct a thorough study and develop a historical record of the collection and disposition of the assets of Holocaust victims that came into the possession or control of the Government of the United States. In addition, the Commission will comprehensively review research, carried out by others, into the collection and disposition of such assets that came into the possession or control of non-Federal entities.

The Commission will submit a report or reports to the President of the United States containing recommendations it deems necessary, or appropriate, for future legislative, administrative, or other action.

The Commission will marshal its expertise and available technology to serve as a clearinghouse for information on the theft and restitution of Holocaust era assets for U.S. citizens seeking such information.

The Commission's efforts will be guided by a non-partisan commitment to the truth, attained through the rigorous application of historical and other investigatory methods. The Commission affirms that this commitment exemplifies and strengthens our democracy. The Commission's work will demonstrate the leadership of the United States in the international effort to obtain justice for the victims and survivors of the Holocaust and their families.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-28 22:16


热心网友 时间:2024-09-28 22:17

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