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ecce造句 ecceの例文 "ecce"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-06 08:40



热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 10:22

Methods 566 cases ( 570 eyes ) accepted *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and joe implantation
方法对5肠例( 570眼)白内障进行小切口非乳化手法白内障摘出联合人工晶状体植入术。

How to proceed the following procedures of ecce and insert a posterior chamber intraocular lens successfully

Objective to evaluate the cpnical effects of *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and iol implantation for cataract patients

Advantages include better early visual rehabiptation , less astigamti *** , less suture time over ecce , satisfactory results as phacoemulsification without the need of an expensive phaco machine

We also prospectively studied the post - operative changes of visual acuity , astigmati *** , and endothepal cell loss of the alternative technique as pared with those occurring when ecce and phacoemulsification were performed

In routine extracapsular cataract extraction ( ecce ) , we occasionally may encounter a condition that the zonule around 12 o ' clock direction disrupted with prolapse of a *** all porion of vitreous during the nucleus being milked out and not depvered yet

It's difficult to find ecce in a sentence. 用 ecce 造句挺难的

热心网友 时间:2024-09-30 10:23

Methods 566 cases ( 570 eyes ) accepted *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and joe implantation
方法对5肠例( 570眼)白内障进行小切口非乳化手法白内障摘出联合人工晶状体植入术。

How to proceed the following procedures of ecce and insert a posterior chamber intraocular lens successfully

Objective to evaluate the cpnical effects of *** all incision non - phacoemulsification ecce and iol implantation for cataract patients

Advantages include better early visual rehabiptation , less astigamti *** , less suture time over ecce , satisfactory results as phacoemulsification without the need of an expensive phaco machine

We also prospectively studied the post - operative changes of visual acuity , astigmati *** , and endothepal cell loss of the alternative technique as pared with those occurring when ecce and phacoemulsification were performed

In routine extracapsular cataract extraction ( ecce ) , we occasionally may encounter a condition that the zonule around 12 o ' clock direction disrupted with prolapse of a *** all porion of vitreous during the nucleus being milked out and not depvered yet

It's difficult to find ecce in a sentence. 用 ecce 造句挺难的

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