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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-05 23:19



热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:24

A nationality, a country, will have a kind of spirit. One kind can encourage the spirit that persons strive to make progress. China's Olympic spirit, it is exactly a trend of complying with the times, arise at the historic moment. It is the inheriting and developing of spiritual jewellery in the past, dissolved into the new magnum opus which entered hundreds of millions of people's energies.
China's Olympic spirit is meaningful, it is deepest at first, the most basic patriotism spirit. It is dogged that China's Olympic spirit is too, strives, the spirit that is dedicated unselfishly. How much sweat our athlete does not know to flow. And there are countless coaches, training mate, doctor behind them, cooks,etc. are supporting. Medal and flower, belong to the sports circles powerhouse winning glory for the motherland, belong to numerous unknown heroes even more. People's ability has size, the division of labor in society has difference, so long as in a conscientious and down-to-earth manner on one's own post, help each other, united like one man, then is free from shame before the nationality.
Only four boundless and indistinct Olympic spirit of China of penetrating, demonstrate enormous cohesiveness, great creativity, has already got deeply to the heart of every Chinese People, this will promote socialist modernization drive, promote reform and opening-up, promote the great cause of reunification of the motherland! The Olympic valiant fighter lets me really understand the Olympic spirit. Though the very cool competition has been dissolved into athlete's too much sweat, tear and water of blood, but I believe the holy fire will never go out.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:17


热心网友 时间:2024-10-04 12:17

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