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5道汉译英 10到英语题

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-23 16:26



热心网友 时间:2024-09-02 21:20

1.I am the luckiest in our home.
2.My father is thinner than my mother.
3.The trousers are the newest in the closet.
4.Today is warmer than yesterday.
5.I am tall,but my mother is taller than I and my father is the tallest in my home.

1.the dirtiest
3.the fattest
6.the wettest
7.the cheapest
9.the largest
10.the busiest

热心网友 时间:2024-09-02 21:19

1:I am the lukiest one in my family.
2: My father is thinner than my mother.
3: This pair of trousers is the newest on in the wardrobe.
4: Today is warmer than yesterday.
5: I am tall, my mother is taller than me, and my father is the tallest in my family.
1:the dirtiest
2: later
3: the fattest
4: heavier
5: prettier
6: the wettest
7: the cheapest
8: thinner
9: the largest
10:the busiest

一、汉译英 1. I know nobody.=I know no one.=I don't know anybody/anyone.2. He is looking for his pen.3. Would you like something/anything expensive/dear?4. There is somebody/someone in the garden.=Somebody/Someone is in the garden.二、同义句转换 1. He (went nowhere...


1.neither……nor 两者都不 2. both 两者都 3. neither 两者均不在 4. a lot of , few 5. one 借任意一本 6.saw no books 7. Either I or him wants some help.8. knows 9. It also rains in August.10 neither did I.汉译英 1. I also learn maths in addition to Englis...


1两个铅笔盒 two pencil-boxes 2男医生们 The men doctors 3女教师们 The women-teachers 4一条裤子 a pair of trousers 5三副眼镜 three pairs of glasses 6五双鞋 five pairs of shoes 7一瓶牛奶 a bottle of milk 8两杯水 two glasses of water 9.一篮子的苹果 a basketful ...


1. I want to urge him to rest, actually was defeated 2. I urge you to listen to parents' speech 3. Requests you to arrive on time the main entrance 4. I must ask the person to repair the washer 5. Boss forces on a his week 6 days classes 6. Teacher encourages us t...


5、Diminishing the number of tigers, because people deforestation.6、If we stand idly by, the world will have no pandas.7、If not rain tomorrow, we will look at the dolphin show.8、Tiger adept at hunting.9、If there is no buy furs, people will not kill the wild animals.1...


汉译英:1.突然一只鸟穿过敞开的窗户飞了进来 Suddenly a bird flew in through the open window.2.几分钟以后,鸟飞得越来越慢了 Minutes later the bird flew more and more slowly 3.我手拿着那只小鸟走出了教室 I went out of the classroom with the bird in my hand.对括号部分提问 :4....


1、taken , as usual 2、Yesterday afternoon, my parents and teachers had an interview about my English study.3、used to 4、Most of the people here last ride bicycle to go to work 5、Here is very quiet past, surrounded by mountains, and the air is fresh 6、The doctor ...


10、A (successful) dancer (dances with) music but heart. This is (what) I learn.11、He wrote a (notice) about the art (festival) and (put) it (up).12、We didn't (plan) it like that but it (worked out) very (well).13、li Lei has (not got any) space to (keep...


1 Tom does his homework first when hw get shome/arrives home/reaches home。2 After that he had a quick bath and then went to school at half past seven。3 The icecream tastes good。4 My parents like/love to have/take a walk after supper。5 ---Is your home far away ...


he shouldn't help me 我需要一些水喝 I need to drink some water.这些东西需要洗 You need to wash these things.你不必洗这些东西 You need not to wash these things.满足每个人的需要不容易 it is not easy to saitisfy everyone's need.在过去的年份中,我真喜欢他 I really love him ...

汉译英翻译题如何给分 汉译英在线翻译 英译汉的题 英译汉的题怎么做 中译英翻译题 汉译英选择题 汉译英考题 英语单词翻译 汉译英是什么意思
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