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"you never catch me alive"最开始是在哪出现的

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 21:28



热心网友 时间:2024-09-06 01:23

you never catch me alive"最开始是澳大利亚名歌中出现

根据Pluto Press 出版的 Graeme Smith写的"Singing Australian : A History of Folk and Country Music" , 真正在澳大利亚民歌开始于19世纪英国和爱尔兰的移民写和表演简单描述他们的生活和社会的音乐,这些音乐纪录了过去悠长岁月中的重大事件并由懂歌和爱歌的人们流传了下来。

澳大利亚最出名的歌就是:华尔兹玛蒂达Waltzing Matilda其地位是无可争论的,在澳州有人不会唱国歌,但没有人不会唱Waltzing Matilda,就像中国人都会唱“茉莉花”,在澳州的庆典和2000悉尼奥运会都要播放的曲子,歌里含有大量澳洲的土语,是了解澳洲文化的一首好歌,比如说:swagman 流浪者billy澳洲的比利茶 jumpback 澳洲绵羊
有个流浪汉露营在一个小湖边的桉胶树下,一边等着壶里的比利茶煮开,一边快乐地唱着Waltzing Matilda,这时有只绵羊来喝水,这个流浪汉很高兴地抓了来装进他的褶包里,但附近的农场主却诬蔑他偷了他的羊,和警察一起骑着骏马来抓这个流浪汉,流浪汉说:你们在我有生之年是不可能抓到我的,于是投湖自尽了。以后每当人们经过这个小湖时。都可以听到他的鬼魂在唱着Waltzing Matilda。

Once a jolly swag man
Camp'd by a billabong
Under the shade of a Coolabah tree
And he sang as he watched
and waited till his billy boiled
You 'll come a waltzing Matilda with me


Waltzing Matilda,Waltzing Matilda
You 'll come a waltzing Matilda with me
And he sang as he watched
and waited till his billy boiled
You 'll come a waltzing Matilda with me

Down came a jumback
to drink at the billabong
Up jumped the swagman
and grabbed him with glee
and he sang as he shoved
that jumback in his tucker bag
you will come a waltzing Matilda with me


Up road the squatter
mounted on his thoroughbred
down came the troopers 1,2,3
who's that jolly jumbuck
you've got in your tucker bag
you'll a waltzing Matilda with me


Up jumped the swagman
and jumped in the billabong
you'll never catch me alive said he
and his ghost may be heard
as you pass by that billabong
you'll a waltzing Matilda with me

回答者:雪梨无花果甜汤 - 魔法师 四级 11-8 21:49

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Click Go The Shears

Verse 1
Out on the board the old shearer stands,
Grasping his shears in his thin bony hands
Fixed is his gaze on a bare-bellied yoe,
Glory if he gets her, won't he make the ringer go.


Click go the shears boys, click, click, click,
Wide is his blow and his hands move quick,
The ringer looks around and is beaten by a blow,
And he curses the old snagger with the bare-bellied joe.

Verse 2
In the middle of the floor in his cane bottomed chair
Sits the boss of the board with his eyes everywhere,
He notes well each fleece as it comes to the screen,
Paying strict attention that it's taken off clean.

Verse 3
The colonial experience man, he is there of course,
With his shiny legging's on, just got off his horse,
Gazes all around him like a real connoisseur,
Scented soap and brilliantine and smelling like a whore.

Verse 4
The tar-boy is there waiting in demand
With his blackened tar-pot in his tarry hand,
Spies one old sheep with a cut upon its back
Hears what he's waiting for it's "Tar here Jack"

Verse 5
Now the shearing is all over, we've all got our cheques,
So roll up your swags and it's off down the trace,
The first pub we come to it's there we'll have a spree,
And everyone that comes along it's 'Have a drink on me.'

Verse 6
There we leave him standing shouting for all hands,
Whilst all around him every 'shouter' stands,
His eye is on the keg which now is lowering fast,
He works hard, he drinks hard, and goes to Hell at last.



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