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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 18:22



热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 07:04


This is my room, he is very beautiful! There is a bed, bed both sides put the ark and a big table beside the ark, in a big chest, inside put a lot of clothes, the table beside him lay a LaJiLou below, putting a chair, put above some books and some stationery. This is my room.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 07:07

This is my room, it's very beautiful. In the room there's a bed with a nightstand and a big desk. Beside the nightstand is a big wardrobe filled with lots of clothes. Beside the desk is a rubbish bin and there's chair under the desk which has a few books and stationeries on it. Such is my room!

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 07:05

This is my room, he is very beautiful! There is a bed, bed both sides put the ark and a big table beside the ark, in a big chest, inside put a lot of clothes, the table beside him lay a LaJiLou below, putting a chair, put above some books and some stationery. This is my room.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 07:04


This is my room,it's very beautiful! Inside it has a bed,which has bedside table and a big table beside it.And beside bedside table there is a big wardrobe,which placed a lot of clothes.Next to the table is a dustbin. A chair placed below the table.There are some books and stationery in the table. This is my place!

希望楼主采纳~纯手工打得 累死


热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 07:10

Here is my bedroom. It is very beautiful. A bed stands in the room, two bedside cabinets are just on either side of the bed, as well as a big table. Next to the bedside cabinet lies a large wardrobe. Lots of clothes are within this wardrobe. Right beside the table places a trash bin. A chair is under the table. There are some books and several stationeries. Well, this is exactly my bedroom.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 21:31


This is my room, he is very beautiful! There is a bed, bed both sides put the ark and a big table beside the ark, in a big chest, inside put a lot of clothes, the table beside him lay a LaJiLou below, putting a chair, put above some books and some stationery. This is my room.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 21:28

This is my room, it's very beautiful. In the room there's a bed with a nightstand and a big desk. Beside the nightstand is a big wardrobe filled with lots of clothes. Beside the desk is a rubbish bin and there's chair under the desk which has a few books and stationeries on it. Such is my room!

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 21:25


This is my room,it's very beautiful! Inside it has a bed,which has bedside table and a big table beside it.And beside bedside table there is a big wardrobe,which placed a lot of clothes.Next to the table is a dustbin. A chair placed below the table.There are some books and stationery in the table. This is my place!

希望楼主采纳~纯手工打得 累死


热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 21:28

Here is my bedroom. It is very beautiful. A bed stands in the room, two bedside cabinets are just on either side of the bed, as well as a big table. Next to the bedside cabinet lies a large wardrobe. Lots of clothes are within this wardrobe. Right beside the table places a trash bin. A chair is under the table. There are some books and several stationeries. Well, this is exactly my bedroom.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-30 21:30

This is my room, he is very beautiful! There is a bed, bed both sides put the ark and a big table beside the ark, in a big chest, inside put a lot of clothes, the table beside him lay a LaJiLou below, putting a chair, put above some books and some stationery. This is my room.
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