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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-05 06:37



热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 20:30

跪求人工翻译,网络翻译用不了,也可以把网络翻译的英文修改好各种语法问题,,也行。 100
nydyjfpwa | 12分钟前 | 分享
With the advent of the Internet era, the website forum has become an important way of network communication. Forum on the site are free to express their views, so comments also generated a lot of spam. Spam filtering not only for the user browsing experience is greatly improved, but also for the information collection, has a very important role in the analysis. Analysis of the website forum needs analysis and preliminary design, final site using J2EE technology forum and system testing, the final completion of the design and development using object-oriented website forum. For comments spam filtering, real-time study proposes the use of digital content based on the combination of a preliminary filter, and then based on clustering algorithms and algorithms based LEOF depth filtration comments real-time filtering technology. Use Eloquent forum posts and comments on the comment filter testing, real-time filtering technology has been reviewed real-time filtering accuracy rate of 0.6, and achieved certain results in real-time filtering.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-02 20:30

With the coming of the internet era, the forum on website becomes an important way of communication. At the website forum, one can publish his opinion freely. Thus, it brings also a lot of junk infomation. The filtering of junk information will not only improve the users' experience of browsing, but also play an important role of information collecting and analyzing. Therefore, we need to study how to do the real time filtering of the comments in the forum. Through constructing the website forum system by using object-facing analysis technology, adopting of combining number of words and contents, clustering and LEOF algorithm, the comments can be filtered in real time mode. We achieved a real time filtering accurate rate of 0.6 and have certain effect in the area of real time filtering.
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