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...on everybody”、“moonlight in the summer

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-21 17:29



热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 16:47

那是韩版的 是PAPAYA~

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 16:49

在电视里听过,是王心凌唱的,想问问这首歌叫什么名字``` 谢了``` ..在你的心里 我是否就是唯一 爱 就是有我常烦着你 So~baby 情话多说一

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 16:45

yo yo yo yo cyndi, what ~ what's wrong with me? (love you)
yo yo cyndi baby, what's wrong with me?
cyndi, give me your love, you make me sneeze all the time
now now how mad I was sneezing at 3:26
let me sing let me sing a song to accompany you to fall asleep
what is love ah ha I'm listening to what you have to say yes
cyndi i really do love you so
If you caught all of a sudden sneeze
That is, I certainly think you
If the middle of the night was awakened by phone
Ah it is because I am concerned
Often you would like to say is not with ulterior motives
They want to believe that they could not help but suspect that
In your mind whether or not I was the only
I love that there is often trouble with you
* so ~ baby love to say something, then I would like to see more of a
The performance of more than a little bit so that I can really see
oh ~ bye would like to accompany you at least a little more than a day
A little more willing to let me love you ~ *
(Only a little more slowly because you found me willing)
Like you in the crook of the arm, nonsense
The world is your castle
Display in painting, full of
Attached to the phone on your smile
I had always wanted to say that if you listen
They want to anger but smile Zhibu Zhu
(oh ~) in my heart that you really only
I love that there is often rely on you

** On this day a little more slowly accumulated feeling
Two of the world will be able to close to the point *
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