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如何翻译啊 急急急

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-03 10:42



热心网友 时间:2024-09-08 02:14

Fully understand the culture differences, in business negotiations vary from person to person choose different negotiation skill is the key to successful business negotiations. Therefore, the international business activities must pay attention to the cultural differences of bring communication obstacles. As the cultural in time and space, values and morals, interpersonal communication, there are differences, the negotiators in addition to cultural differences should set up the consciousness, enhance the understanding to the world culture, but also must have a broad mind and tolerant attitude toward the other countries of the cultural differences show understanding and respect, and in the basis of mutual respect to a variety of communication skills, strengthen their own advantages, to promote international business negotiation smoothly.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-08 02:18

A full understanding of the differences between different cultures in the business negotiation, it differs from man to man. Choose different negotiation skill is the key to the success of business negotiation. Therefore, the international business activities must pay attention to the cultural differences in communication disorders.

As a result of culture in time, space, value and morality, interpersonal communication and other areas there are differences, the negotiators besides should establish the awareness of cultural difference, improve the understanding of culture, also must be broad-minded and tolerant attitude, his country's cultural differences show understanding and respect, in mutual respect based on the mastery of communication skills, and strengthen their own advantages, promote the international business negotiation.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-08 02:14

A full understanding of the differences between different cultures in the business negotiation, it differs from man to man. Choose different negotiation skill is the key to the success of business negotiation. Therefore, the international business activities must pay attention to the cultural differences in communication disorders. As a result of culture in time, space, value and morality, interpersonal communication and other areas there are differences, the negotiators besides should establish the awareness of cultural difference, improve the understanding of culture, also must be broad-minded and tolerant attitude, his country's cultural differences show understanding and respect, in mutual respect based on the mastery of communication skills, and strengthen their own advantages, promote the international business negotiation.
急急急!he was reduced to tears.如何翻译?讲一下分析思路,具体语法...

只能帮你翻译一下句子意思:He was reduced to tears.可以翻译成:他留下了泪水。这里是reduce理解成:bring someone or something to (a lower or weaker state, condition, or role).例句:she has been reduced to near poverty。表示不是主动的,是被动的。reduce的常见解析:reduce 英[r...


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如何翻译啊 急急急

and strengthen their own advantages, promote the international business negotiation.翻别的可以用百度翻译啊,给我最佳!

急急急 서브 한 这翻译成中文是什么意思啊 是韩语吧?

서브. serve. 服务,发球。意思很多。한。动词。 做什么什么。得看语境。


I wear a full head of yellow tresses, an earnest demeanor, pink glasses, and I am partial to red dresses. Who am I?tress (名词)(女人的)一束长发 partial to 偏好

帮我翻译啊 急急!不需要在线翻译的那种

Please provide the total RMB price. We will wire approximately 50% in USD, and subtract RMB. The remaining RMB amount we will pay at the current exchange rate at the time of payment. I believe this is what you have stated?Do you have an estimate when the shipment will be ...

翻译英语`高手来啊 人工翻译`急急急~·~···

This afternoon we played a basketball match. Lost, people are not happy.My heart is very funny. I want to fail within the mother of success. As long as we work hard, we will not give up the success.

英语翻译,BE SET TO 的意思,急急急,我会尽快的采纳,谢谢

开始认真做某事,打算,着手做某事 南非总统雅各布·祖马打算在周一与陷于四面楚歌之中的利比亚领导人卡扎菲会面。这是北非国家开始动荡以来他第二次来到黎波里。大致是这个意思,翻的不太好看,见谅

英语翻译 英译汉和汉译英 急急急!!!

One can hardly do anything without a friend.没了朋友寸步难行 Helping one out of trouble and bringing happiness,love and sunshine to a lonely heart, that’s a true friend can do.真正的朋友可以帮我排忧解难,给我带来快乐,让我孤寂的心扉重温爱与阳光 A friend helps you realize ...


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