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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-05 11:11



热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 21:47

Basketball shoes Maintenance:
first performance of maintenance,
second is the appearance and maintenance.
Performance of the maintenance method of the correct key is saved on the shoes, but the appearance and maintenance is mainly reflected in Science and cleaning of the shoe, while sometimes the two are one.
in preservation methods, types of raw materials as basketball shoes, more proction, such as a pair of basketball shoes on the use of materials is likely to include leather, cloth , nylon, non-dragon, no trace of rubber, etc., leading to more complex proction processes, glue stick together over the place also. It is these materials to ensure performance with a pair of shoes to keep properties lie on a pair of shoes properly handled, so that the above-mentioned materials Bu Yu aging. so the correct way to write the preservation of the following points should be noted.
first shoes should be placed in a relatively dry and ventilated place, avoid direct sunlight because the wet environment will cause corruption body shoes, shoes, sun exposure will change color as part of material deterioration. but the place has not put shoes too dry, because the result in cracking of leather. because the humid environment will cause shoe body corruption, exposure to sunlight will change color shoe part of the material deterioration. Second, save the shoes when the shoes should be stuffed in a soft ball of paper, do so primarily to paper balls shoes can be absorbed within the resial moisture keeping dry inside, but also concive to maintaining a fixed shape of shoes, and will not use after "Beat." Third, in particular, need to be raised is the type of preservation for the collection, it is best to buy some shrink film, like the shoe store Like a pair of shoes inside the wrap completely,air max solas, in order to achieve the limits of shoes with large air separation, a longer period of time to prevent the air oxidation of the shoes constantly. For example, the visible air cushion, such as nike max air or on behalf of Jordan, 11,nike air max conquer, 16 generations outer end within a few years will graally turn yellow, with a shrink film to maintain the original color is a better choice.

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热心网友 时间:2024-11-19 21:47

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