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lyncus造句 lyncusの例文 "lyncus"是什麼意思

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-17 22:05



热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 14:51

He turned his face towards Scythia where, Lyncus was king.

Hammond suggests ( 1994, 26 ) that this was just west of Kirp Dirven pass on the plain of Lyncus .

When Triptolemus taught Lyncus , King of the Scythians, the arts of agriculture, Lyncus refused to teach it to his people and then tried to kill Triptolemus.

When Triptolemus taught Lyncus, King of the Scythians, the arts of agriculture, Lyncus refused to teach it to his people and then tried to kill Triptolemus.

The "'Battle of Lyncestis / Lynkestis / Lyncus "'took place in 423 BC beeen the alped forces of the Lyncestians and Illyrians against those of the Spartans and Macedonians.

The "'Battle of Erigon Valley "'or the "'Battle of Lyncus Plain "'took place in 358 BC beeen the Dardanians under Bardylps and the Macedonians under Phipp II . After forty years on continuous Dardanian dominance and expansion under Bardylps, Phipp II after marrying Audata, an Illyrian princess, marched into Illyria and confronted the Dardanian tribe *** en.

It's difficult to find lyncus in a sentence. 用 lyncus 造句挺难的

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