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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-17 11:11



热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 20:36

White sweater to wear long will gradually turn black, sweaters after cleaning and refrigerate for 1 hour, and then dried out, you can clean as new.

The dip in glycerol and egg yolk cloth to cover the surface stains, placed a moment, and then rinse off with clear water.

Musty closet, drawer, suitcase, put a piece of soap in it, can be removed.

Sugar water the flowers can prolong the open time, plug in the flowers in the vase water, add a spoonful of sugar, blossom time growth.

In fried food add a little salt in the pan, can prevent the oil spill wounding, and is not easy to burn food.

In the kitchen cooking food, food all kinds of flavor is very thick, you put a little vinegar heating evaporation in the pot, the kitchen can eliminate peculiar smell.

Eat spicy food, feeling overwhelmed, you can put salt into the mouth, with a spit later, and then rinse. Of or containing a few mint, it will be much better. Mint flavor to choose moderate, or select the kind of "don't stop", otherwise there will be side effects.

Cooking or soup, if be salty, can take a wash the potatoes cut into halves into the soup and cook for a few minutes, so, by the salty soup can fade out.

You cannot directly use the tea Boiled Egg! Because tea contains alkaloids, there are a variety of acid substances, these compounds and the egg iron binding, a stimulating effect on the stomach, and not conducive to digestion and absorption. If you want to eat tea eggs, as a local tyrant is not enough, gastrointestinal function good.

Expired milk can not drink, can be soaked rag to wipe the table, floor, can quickly remove dirt.

The weather of summer is hot, easy to long prickly heat, can be used warm water to wash the site long prickly heat, skin with a layer of toothpaste, prickly heat will soon be gone.

The morning after the water brewing a cup of honey water fasting drink, activities for an hour before breakfast, insist for a long time, the treatment of gastritis.

The table, the bottle surface adhesive traces with the wind can erase!

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