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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-17 08:43



热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 14:40

Party rock anthem 吧

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 14:43

是oh oh oh everybody everywhere everybody everywhere吗 ==
应该是Groove Coverage - On The Radio

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 14:40

Groove Coverage - On The Radio
外文名称:On the radio
所属专辑:21st Century
歌曲原唱:Groove Coverage,

《On The Radio》
Hello Mr. DJ, Would you play my song
Please, please, play it
All night long.
Hello Mr. DJ
On the radio
Calling every station
On the air
Sending out the message
Tell it everybody
On the radio
Oh, oh, oh
Everybody, everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
From Moon to Mars and everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
Hello Mr. DJ I'm losing sleep
Please, please, play it
My knees are gettin' weak
Hello Mr. DJ
On the radio
If you're not gonna play it
I go insane
If you're not gonna say it
I lose my brain
So tell it everybody
On the radio
Oh, oh, oh
Everybody, everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
From Moon to Mars and everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
Everybody, everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
From Moon to Mars and everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
(DJ on the air...)
Everybody, everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
From Moon to Mars and everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
Everybody, everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
From Moon to Mars and everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
Everybody, everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
From Moon to Mars and everywhere
Please call the DJ on the air
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