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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 08:05



热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 03:18

1. 用can和can't写五句话的作文

I am a middle school student. I can speak English well. I like doing sports. I can swim and playing table tennis well. I can also play football. But I can't play golf. I can't play volley,either. 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢。

2. 用can和can,t写一篇日记,要5句

It's Sunday, I can finally wake up late.

However, I can't, because I still have a lot of homework to do.

Although, I can still lie in the bed for another 10 minutes becuase I am feeling lazy.

Suddenly I can hear my mother scream at the top of her voice:

"You can't sleep anymore! Get up!"

3. 用can和can't写你会做和不会做的事

I'm a student.I can do many sth.In school,I can help my clas *** ate reading book.But I can't singing.because we should keep quite in our school.In my home,I can clean my room and play the puter games.But I can't eat many ice-cream.because my parents aren't allow me eat many ice-cream.。

4. 用can,can't,could和couldn't写一篇关于自己的英语短文

I like playing basketball very much and i can play it very well. But I can't swim. last night I had a dream. In the dream I could swim very fast. but Tom ,My best friend, who is good at swimming, couldn't swim at all. Watching him drowning in the river, I cried loud,awake.。


However, I can't, because I still have a lot of homework to do.Although, I can still lie in the bed for another 10 minutes becuase I am feeling lazy.Suddenly I can hear my mother scream at the top of her voice:"You can't sleep anymore! Get up!"3. 用can和can't写...


1、I can't believe it!难以置信 2、I'm sorry I can't come.对不起我不能来 3、I don't feel I can't put up with it any longer.我感到再也不能忍受了.4、I can't hack it anymore.这件事我处理不了了.5、I can't self-deception 我不能自欺欺人 二、could/couldn't造句 1...


Can造句。What can l do for you?。 Can l help you?。 She can run fast Can't造句。She can't eat dinner with us。 We can't leave rubbish here Can you造句。Can you give me a pen?。 Can you go out side now?亲、记得好评哦、当然希望可以帮到你、加油哦、嘻嘻^_^...


It's dark. I can't play outside anymore, because my mum will be worried about me.


Can造句。What can l do for you?。Can l help you?。She can run fast Can't造句。She can't eat dinner with us。We can't leave rubbish here Can you造句。Can you give me a pen?。Can you go out side now?亲、记得好评哦、当然希望可以帮到你、加油哦、嘻嘻^_^ ...

用l can ( )和l cant't造句

I can swim.I can't play football.


can’t是不能,不会的意思。例句:I can’ swim.我不会游泳。


you can hear people talking in a low voice.you can't shout .you can't buy food.we can't steal books.we can't say dirty words.we can't throw rabbish everywhere.we can't buy flowers.we can't throw the books.we can't write on the new books.we can't buy a TV.we...

用I can...和 l can’t 来造句。各造

用I can...和 l can’t 来造句。各造 用Ican...和lcan’t来造句。各造五个... 用I can...和 l can’t 来造句。各造五个 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 晚舟必归是李白的诗吗?匿名用户 2014-11-03 展开全部 更多追问追答 追问 哪I can...呢 ? 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个...


1、We can't change our plans now.我们现在不能改变计划了。2、I can't do two things at once.我不能同时做两件事。3、Money can't buy you happiness.金钱不能为你买到幸福。4、Things can't become holy and can't come into contact with the holy or the sacred if they are...

用can和can’t造句 用吗造句子 用可是造句子 用wasn’t造句简单 用want造句 用at造句 after造句 not造句 用take造句
织田n.on汉化合集百度云 织田信奈的野望百度云简体字幕高清速发速采纳 穿越火线手机版怎么申请土豪的号 各位 谁能给我刷级别啊 我玩穿越火线的 要求刷到最高级别的 穿越火线枪战王者牛逼号密码账号 穿越火线土豪号2015年求不玩cf的土豪送给我一个号 ...干姜,甘草,元胡,佛手,鸡内金,红参,白芍,桂枝,大枣,生 过生日早上从楼梯摔下来有什么征兆 为什么无线路由器绿灯一直闪? 今天早上下楼梯的时候,脚一下踩空,摔下去了,当时很痛... 南京华运达物流有限公司经营理念 联运管家是什么意思啊 管家集运是什么意思? 生命力最顽强的动物是谁 卷帘机头为啥顶大棚 保险代理人资格证转给别人用,对我有什么影响 220v卷帘机机头套多大管子 杭州河庄安置房分好再生一个小孩还有房子分吗 遇到傻逼售票平台猫眼是种什么体验? 猫眼电影抢票教程 殡仪馆怎么读 殡仪馆的意思 殡仪是什么意思啊请问? 想让客户替我转送包裹给另外一个客户日语要怎么表达 ...跟他说谢谢外,还可以说哪些客气话,用日语都是怎么说的? 大学辅导员最怕什么事? 我还在上学 学校严 也不好因为这事跟辅导员请假 但我确实不想待在_百度... 商铺产权年限一般是多久 1040哪家好? 脸部油油的~~ ...霜后,再粉底,就感觉脸上亮亮的,请问怎么除油,用蜜粉吗? 八个16分音符的音值与四个八分音符的时值相等吗 ...分音符等于两个八分音符的时值,四个八分音符等于两个答 顺风车和快车哪个赚钱 顺风车跟快车哪个挣钱 专车和顺风车哪个赚钱 空调红外接收头在哪里 小米10s打电话黑屏怎么回事 分公司设立股东会决议怎么写? 公司股权转让的股东会决议怎么写 解决积食最好的方法有哪些 两岁宝宝积食了怎么办 鱿鱼圈有哪些做法? 液体打包机械厂家 ...废纸,旧橡胶制品等属于( ) A无机物 B非金属单质 C 盐类 D有机物... 牛腩需要炖多长时间呢 牛腩需要炖多久 ...姐姐原名叫什么名字和段誉功夫时灵时不灵是什么原因 醉驾电动车出事故承担什么责任 醉驾电动车要判多久 醉驾电动车出事故承担什么责任? 非机动车酒驾交通事故责任如何划分? 驾驶电瓶车醉驾会怎么样 电瓶车醉驾怎么处罚是合法的?