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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-11 12:35



热心网友 时间:2024-08-11 12:48

"I'm okay."
"OK" is an informal English term. It means: good, acceptable. It can also express agreement or consent. "OK" can also be written as "okay" or "O.K." and is pronounced the same way. It is one of the most famous English words in the world.
It is worth noting that since China's reform and opening up, the term "OK" has become very popular and is often used as a fashionable imitation language. However, due to its overuse, there have been many misuses of the term. For example:
"The American colleague exclaimed 'OK' to express his congratulations to this 33-year-old Chinese scientist."
"Mr. Stewart knelt on the ground, watching the Chinese ants' heroic actions, like Li Jianxian watching a world-class football match, exclaiming 'OK!' continuously."
In the first sentence, "OK" should be changed to "Congratulations"; in the second sentence, "OK" should be changed to "Oh" or "God."
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