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Dance to Me 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-17 00:51



热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 05:04

歌手:Brian McFadden
歌曲:Real To Me
Bullshit dinners and the free champagne
Men in suits who think they know it all
No one knows me but they know my name
That's not real to me
Hotel lobby to the airplane
Another country but they
start to look the same
Watch the world behind
a windowpane
That's not real to me
When I see my babies run
When all the madness has been and gone
I raise my family and live in peace
Now thats what's real to me
Real to me
Dying flowers in a dressing room
A dangerous time to let your head make
up its own mind
Got me thinking that the spirit's flown
That's not real to me
When I see my babies run
When all the madness
has been and gone
I raise my family and live in peace
Now thats what's real to me
Picnics in the garden and the
children they can play
The first day of the summer and
I'll laze here all the day
And we'll invite the family round and
drink some English tea
Then I raise up my finger and watch
football on TV
歌曲:Real To Me
歌手:Brian McFadden
When I see my babies run
When all the madness has
been and gone
I raise my family and live in peace
Now thats what's real to me
Real to me
Wake up you might be dreaming

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