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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-16 22:23



热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 12:31

I am pleased to recommend my unit employees, Mr. xxx, My unit is the Provincial Technical Supervision assessment, authentication, authorization, quality supervision, inspection and mapping and surveying instruments calibrating independent legal entity.
Mr. xxx January 1, 2009 so far in my work unit assistant in land surveying and mapping, and its position as a staff, the monthly salary of RMB xxx, xxx million annual salary (including bonuses and other). Weekday main contents include:
1. The cadastral survey control points, boundary points of the field site selection, and find, identify and locate buried stone points, and operating GPS, Total Station and other equipment on the amount of land and its appurtenances distance, horizontal angle, vertical angle, Leveling observations to measure the results of our inspection items are being compared.
2. In the baseline test field on the accuracy of GPS mapping equipment in the field of dynamic and static testing.
xxx ring this unit, showing the actual hands-on learning capability and good ability to quickly understand the technical points, quick reaction, is a good land surveying and mapping assistance.In addition, Mr. xxx excellent and skilled computer maintenance computer software (such as word, excel, access, photoshop, imageready, etc.) operation left me a deep impression, I think his future xxx can quickly adapt to the local environment, quickly master the relevant technologies.
Hope that what I said could make you understand, Mr. xxx, if need more information, please contact me.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 12:31

too long

how can you believe what they said?


I'm attaching the route test result from this afternoon. For details please check D:/ No. 23 and No. 24 are 5.06 version chips reference error.No. 5 couldn't be located, problem resolved after restarting.No. 3 is the antenna of TYCO.手翻的,“参考出现故障“这句不肯定。


He is tired.2:好主意 Good idea.3:太糟糕了 It’s too bad,4:我认为如此 I think so.5:我觉得不太舒服 I feel bad;I feel uncomfortably.6:听到此事我很难过 I am sorry to hear this matter.7:你阴气太盛 Your yinqi is too lively. 阴气直接是中文的,翻译词典也是这么翻译的。8:...


Every day, I get off work very late, but always a person through a dark alley. This road is the only way which must be passed back home, every walk alone in this road, suddenly there is a nameless fear, suddenly came to my mind. On that day, I work late, pedestrians ...


Dear,do you know that I have stayed up several nights and did not take classes this monday to prepare this movie for you. Several days ago, I slipped into the computer room through the window to write for you, because of which, I was taught a lesson by the teacher,and my...

哪位大侠帮我翻译成英文啊 谢谢啊

Dragon Boat Festival is to honor those who like their elders, the younger generation are often in this day sent to the elders, or a variety of nutrition mung bean cake --- It is said that the Dragon Boat Festival take herbs on Pirates of White Snake dianthera save Xu Xian,...


5, tracking each single production schedule and technological requirements;6, timely follow-up goods inspection, feedback each department supervises production quality.7, completes the delivery record, timely submit finance settlement payment,8, customer development, timely communication with ...

请大侠帮我译成英文''谢谢 美丽的鲜花,珍贵的情谊,愿你喜欢。这表达了...

Beautiful flowers and precious friendship.I hope you enjoy them.They stand for the sincere wishes from me.May happiness be with you today and all the days to come.Happy birthday!精心翻译的,请采纳。


i'll take the charge of adjusting these things to the initial state.


Chinese summary:For thousand a hundred years, China of the in the past dynasties in the past carries out the basic national policies of" agriculture for the country originally", the agriculture put at have the initiative the development of position with outstanding it is in the whole...

大侠或者侠客的英文 我是大大侠改成什么了 大侠的英文是什么 大侠翻译 暴走大侠英文 无敌英文翻译 大侠英语怎么说 侠 英文 侠用英文怎么说
?!,腾讯微博黑名单里的人怎么不见了? 雨刮器喷不出水 有人扬言要杀我,我怎样通过法律保护自己 ...他说明天要杀我我不确定他会不会动手,我该怎么办? 做平面设计需要什么配置的笔记本好? 学平面设计的买笔记本用I3处理器还是I5处理器好 雨刷不喷水是什么原因? 斯柯达晶锐2011款雨刮器保险丝在哪里符号图片是什么_百度问一问 北京中农绿亨种子科技有限公司的介绍 晶锐1.6AT,突然雨刮器不能工作了,是什么情况? 求翻译~~急急急 请各位老师帮忙把这段翻译成汉语 急用! 急!急!谢了!! Simulink Test测试错误经验总结 备孕期间男女注意事项 女士备孕前需要做什么准备? 女士备孕前需要做什么准备工作? 含窗的成语有哪些 窗成语有哪些 CAD中怎么标注坡度 qq号码一般是9位数吗? 秋季保健 “三秋”有别 内屏蔽信号电缆四线组,8芯的电缆,只有绿线把和红线把怎么区分AB端 银行卡超限什么意思 取钱交易金额超限什么意思 包装袋内有头发赔偿五百合理吗 一个月冰箱耗多少电? 冰箱一天要用多少电?为什么邻居家和我用一样的冰箱,电费却少一半_百度... 运动内衣把海绵拿掉还有用吗 300772上市时间 骑士查理王小猎犬不能吃什么东西介绍 ipad 有什么用 谁有百度云的动漫视频,发一下谢谢,要的有刀剑神域第一季,罪恶王冠,litt... 工地业主代表是干什么的 常州星河实验小学:科技引领未来,机器人艾米助力教育创新 英特尔新驱动修复《星空》问题,Arc显卡还有哪些已知bug? 英特尔Arc桌面GPU的性能预期遭受质疑,驱动问题何时能解决? 中药熬多少毫升合适 麦冬熬水的用量是多少 逗女孩子开心的幽默句子分享 逗女人开心的暖心句子哄女孩子开心幽默句子 主角叫许默妈妈叫谢冰艳的小说 vivos1有红外功能吗? vivos1能遥控空调么 二氧化碳,五氧化二磷,四氧化三铁,二氧化硫,氧气,氮气,硫黄,哪是白色固 ... 中国养了那么多虾,为什么还要从国外进口? 立秋就凉快了吗? 立秋是不是意味着三伏天过了,立秋后就凉快了吗 立秋后会凉快吗立秋节气天气变化有哪些 成都出发的高铁有哪些 成都有哪些高铁线路