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after the speech,he stood up began ___around

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-16 17:59



热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 22:48

Brian was not good at public speaking.one day,he was invited to make a speech at a church. his younger_____sister,Ann,knew he was nervous and tried to calm him down."don't worry.everything will be fine." when the day came____,Brian's car had an accident on the way to the church. luckily, he was not badly hurt and arrived____at the church on time. it was his turn. when he stood up, his coat became tangled with his chair. after a few_____minutes,he finally began his speech. but he was so nervous that he dropped his book. many people thought______he would run, but he went on.
suddenly,people saw something unusual_____running down from his nose, blood! he stopped speaking_____when he saw the blood. but he still tried______to finish his speech. then Ann quietly moved to the front and handed him her handkerchief. then she gave him a smile and return_____to her seat. it was a really simple____action.she just saw someone in need and gave him a hand. in the end,Brian finished his talk, with more confidence.

开始的英文:begin 结束的英文:finish 词汇解析 1、begin 英[bɪ'gɪn];美[bɪ'ɡɪn]vt. 开始 vi. 开始;首先 例:The weight loss began to look more serious.体重的减轻开始显得更严重。例:He stood up and began to move around the room.他站了起来,开始在...

Load Port、SMIF


sb do sth,+doing还是do

including the gate guards是个后置状语。第二个是动词的并列,stood up,gave,began,强调动作发生的先后顺序。如果说sb do sth的同时伴随着。。。的状态,则用 sb do sth,doing 结构。例:He stood there,shouting loudly.(他站在那儿大声的叫嚣着)叫嚣与站的动作同时发生。第一个include是动词啊,...

chapter 15-《pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见》精读

He sat down for a few moments, but soon stood up again and began walking about the room. Elizabeth was surprised, but did not say a word. After a silence of several minutes, he came toward her, obviously upset, and began: “ In vain (没用) I have struggled. It will not do. My ...


he was not badly hurt and arrived___at the church on time. it was his turn. when he stood up, his coat became tangled with his chair. after a few___minutes,he finally began his speech. but he was so nervous that he dropped his book. many people thought___he would ...

大家崇拜(或者讨厌)希特勒 的给答案和理由!谢了`


英语牛人进来帮翻译、、急!!!中午在线等! 不要在线翻译工具的!_百度...

2. He turned around and smiled to everybody.3. These young people are always dreaming to participate in the football match.4. She has made many friends and fully enjoyed life fun in college.5. After the professor finished her speech, everybody stood up and showed her respect....


The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know.I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.I turned around to find a wrinkled,little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that ...


One soldier from his regiment, Hans Mend, claimed that Hitler was an isolated figure who spent long periods of time sitting in the corner holding his head in silence. Then all of a sudden, Mend claimed, he would jump up and make a speech. These outbursts were usually attacks on Jews ...

金鱼与农夫 英语剧剧本 (初二)

Back to the old lady there, old man. How he was in front of the Royal Palace, His old woman when the Queen, Is sitting in the dining table, Minister of nobility her serve. Her Zhenshang of wine shipped overseas. She's eating fancy cakes, Pomp stood around the defender, Sharp shoulder...


of the conspiracy, monsieur; all the papers found have been sealed up and placed on your desk...Justice, he entered, after having, coldly saluted the shipowner, who stood, as if petrified,...asked Dantès, who after believing himself free, now began to feel a tenfold alarm. "I have...

stood up for stood close stood up to stoodfor stoodout stood over have stood stood me up stood back
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