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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-16 20:15



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 03:27

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on English口语与文化:北美篇. This series explores various aspects of North American life, culture, and traditions through engaging lessons.

Starting with Lesson 1, we delve into the vibrant world of university student life in North America, providing insights into daily routines and social dynamics.

Lesson 2 takes a somber turn with the tragic story of the Columbia Space Shuttle, highlighting the intersection of technology and cultural values.

In Lesson 3, we examine the role of photography in capturing perfect moments, reflecting North American perspectives on aesthetics.

For a glimpse into New Year's traditions, Lesson 4 offers a warm celebration of shared customs and rituals.

Lesson 5 delves into the topic of shyness, exploring its prevalence and cultural interpretations in North America.

Continuing, Lesson 6 brings in the legendary Michael Jordan, discussing emotional intelligence and its importance in sports and society.

Followed by Lesson 7, an exclusive interview with a TV star, shedding light on their experiences and the influence they wield in the entertainment industry.

Lesson 8 poses a thought-provoking question: do you follow your head or your heart? Examining the delicate balance between logic and intuition.

Next, we explore the intricate world of advertising in Lesson 9, analyzing its impact on consumer culture in North America.

From financial matters, Lesson 10 discusses the significance of money in North American society and its role in daily life.

Acquiring a job is a crucial topic in Lesson 11, offering tips and insights into the job market and career aspirations.

And finally, Lesson 12 features a Q&A session, addressing common queries and providing insights on navigating cultural differences.

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