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Marie Digby专辑Unfold

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-21 22:57



热心网友 时间:2024-08-02 07:03

Marie Digby, a talented Los Angeles-born singer-songwriter, has captured the attention of the digital world and media with her exceptional music video performances on YouTube. Her blend of original compositions and unique interpretations of songs from other artists has garnered a dedicated fanbase, as evidenced by the staggering 15 million views on her videos (and counting). The phenomenon started in LA, with radio stations increasingly playing her renditions, particularly her interpretations of "Umbrella" and her latest hit, "Say It Again," which has proven to be a refreshing and popular choice.

Her rising star continued to shine in August when she graced the stage on NBC's Carson Daly show. Demonstrating her versatility, Marie was also featured as one of the five artists in GAP's spring 2008 advertising campaign titled "Colors," further solidifying her presence in the music and fashion industries. Her album 'Unfold' is a testament to her artistry and a must-listen for fans who appreciate her captivating performances.



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