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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-21 22:42



热心网友 时间:2024-07-29 13:11


热心网友 时间:2024-08-02 19:37





english report

My Final Report on Major English During this term, I have taken the lesson of major english given by Mr Pan. Each class is consisted of many parts and we use all our senses to learn English. At the beginning of the class, we usually listen to the news of CNN, and then ...

do some reading要加s吗

do some reading不用加s。do some reading不是第三人称单数的表达,所以不用加s。例如:Stop messing about, boys! I'm trying to do some reading.孩子们,别瞎闹,我想看一会儿书。短语:english reading 英语阅读 reading comprehension 阅读理解;阅读测验 reading room 阅览室 例句:The report re...

MY English Exam Report 这篇作文 谁会写呢? 可不可以帮帮我- 这是...

but I forget how to spell them when I write them.I am a litte better at speaking and listening than at reading.Sometimes when I do my homework I just copy other students' answers .Could you please give me some advice on how to improve my English? I really need your help....

新闻论文摘要怎么翻译啊 T-T

s character is news medium the key factor of the development, but nearer in the last years, deceitful report way, have the news, the advertisement news, malice of guerdon to fry to make, pile up one after another, reporter's choice toward information, analysis, reading,...


少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。1. Time flies.时光易逝。2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。5. Time tries truth.时间检验真理。6. Time past cannot be called back again.光阴一去不复返。

求一篇英文的书目简介(book report)

using naturalism as his writing method analyzing the moral and social problem of the English. His works have strongly attached the unequal capitalist society. In his realistic novels, he not only describes the everyday life of the upper class, but also reveals their mental outlook. H...


汤姆:我每次路过拐角,一个路标上面写着:"学校---慢行。"DID YOUR DAD HELP YOU?One day, Tim's mathematics teacher looked at his homework and saw that he had got all his sums right. The teacher was very pleased-and rather surprised. He called Tim to his desk and said to hi...

真的没人么?我没财富值了,求大神帮我做个Reading Report,格式是...

Reading Report of Pride and Prejudice “Pride and Prejudice” is a famous novel written by Jane Austen, an English writer. She used humorous, ironical, polished language to describe the bourgeoisie’s life and thought, and expressed women’s perplexed and misery.The book is mainly ...

english怎么写 english音标怎么写 speak in English morning的音标怎么写 wonderful怎么写 orange的音标怎么写 chinese的音标怎么写 English spoken Rachel English
长春由动植物公园北门到我的家园坐哪公交 10.甲、乙两个书架共放386本书,乙、丙两个书架共放412本书,甲、丙... 先从甲处拿走四分之三 两个书架共有270本书从第一个书架取出1/10放入第二个书架这时两个书架的... 专业考情 | 江苏师范大学学科数学 (333/846)考研分析 江苏师范大学的国家特色专业有哪些 请问用1000ma的充电器给支持800ma的MP4充电,对MP4电池有伤害吗?可以... 移动电源输出1安每小时, 接上座充,座充输入为800毫安每小时,输出为... ...充电器标注“输出800ma”的电池可以用输出为1000ma的移动电源吗? 描写夏景的诗句大全72句 2024年4月8日出生的宝宝五行缺什么 全麻要家属陪同吗 reading report的意思 50岁50岁女人最想听到的三句话 最易感动50岁女人的情话 50岁女人最爱听的句子是什么 试管成功产检要说自己是做试管的吗 冰钓鳟鱼用什么饵? 半倒装可以把can't提前吗 钓鳟鱼用什么鱼饵最好? 工资年后发违反法律规定了吗? ...在你伤口狂妄地撒野"这句歌词的什么歌曲里面的??演唱者是谁??_百 ... ...老师”“母亲”“忘不了……” 写一首不少于四行的小诗 2019年3月7日天气晴朗没有污染物,为什么衡水市重污染天气应急预案不解除... 赣南医学院护理专科在哪个校区啊?学护理有没有身高限制啊?入学体检严... 公司的融资风险有哪些 赣南医学院护理专业是实习两年吗 小米手机sd卡在哪里,怎么打开? ...是否有助于我们建立与行业内其他企业的合作或联盟关系? 商业发展中企业合作和如何合作 2024年4月1日出生五行缺什么 江苏省的节日风俗有哪些 2024年4月9日午时出生五行缺什么 支付宝手机号码转账给别人以后是转到了他的银行卡还是支付宝余额... 天津远洋香奈周边有什么医院或医疗设施? 请问仙人掌有什么用处呢? 卡通动漫制作的流程是什么 还有卡漫(卡通动漫)的三要素 还有制作工具... 支付宝etc蓝牙名称是什么 etc蓝牙标签是什么 翡翠手镯苔藓绿手镯 零食大礼包有什么 零食大礼包有哪些东西比较多? 钱伯文病毒性心肌炎 有什么值得过年囤的零食大礼包推荐? 适合送朋友的零食大礼包有哪些? 有哪些平价实惠的零食大礼包值得推荐? 日本准备投资116亿美元建设通往俄萨哈林铁路 有哪些值得购买的零食大礼包? 卡西欧手表710怎么关闭闹铃 快来学习一下 有哪些好吃的零食礼包值得购买? 兰馨雀舌的口感是什么样的?