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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-21 23:07



热心网友 时间:2024-08-02 05:06

听力:1.弄错了钥匙 2.8:00 3.recover from the 4.30 5.attened the meeting 6.japan 7.bus 8.camera speech context 9.park the car case 10.trip with school
11.the day later 12.no plan 13. planning 14.suffer
15.schedual 16 . 17volunteer 18. 19. boarding 20. work out

单选。1题,above all. 2题,popular.3题,inquired. 4题,in brief. 5题, admitting. 6题,look into 7题, view. 8题,consists. 9题,duty. 10题, back.11题,book. 12题,superior. 13题,all that . 14题, be introduced. 15题, could be taken. 16题,will have discovered. 17题,not to make. 18题, leacing. 19题,didnot sell .20题 ten.

阅读一开头是in kenya,
答案1,100or,2she was supposed3inthe1980s4confirm5hadnotbeen
阅读三开头是men who
答案1making decision2he is born with 3humaninstinctive 4theoppsite sex5they had differrent personalties
阅读四(关键字或是开头的单词:I was lucky- I found~~~~。
第一个, 答案: he had been doing what he~~~.
第二个。答案: he lost support of~~~.
第三个,.答案: getting fired from apple~~.
第四个, 答案: the feeling for a lover.
第五个,答案: a speech at a gathering.

五个翻译答案要点(关键字):1,是否具备供养。2,往后。 3,我当时没意识。4,努力打破。5,通过

As you know,there's no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of
countries, people have to cut trees for living. So there's nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts .
It's time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We can't throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.
If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow
13 B consits
14C back
15 C vision
16 in brief
17 D permared
18 A book
19 c all in
20 D detected
21 look up
22 better
23 apologizing
24 duty
25 will have discovered
26 to be discovering
27 not to make
28 have not sold
29 leaving
30 ten thousand
31 all that
32 could to taken
33.D,deaf,mute and virtually bind
34D soseph shiroko
35B baby clothes anddeied somoked meat
36D running the school
37A helping its students learn a way to make a living
38C lover more
40 A 1980s
41 D warn
42 C contact
43 D making
44.D genetic
45:A humans”instinctive preference towards looks
46B the opposite sex
47A the were not interested in good looks
48C loved
49B lost support
50B getting
51 C lover
52 speech
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