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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-21 18:41



热心网友 时间:2024-08-11 01:13

Ihave a friend her name is lauar ,we both like sport 。she plays tennis at least two times every week。Last sunday she bought a scarf inthe morning,and then we went toHUAYI cinema to watch a movie,because,the seats in there are the most comfortable。End of the day ,she felt (not only )tired and ( but also )happy。She wants to be a famou pianist。阐述论点I think her dream will come true ,Firstly,she is good at it ,she is intrested in it ,she likes to pay everyting for it 。Secondly,I know she is working hard for that ,,she practices almost everyday ( I saw what she has done )。At last I hope that she will be a( the most )famou piaonist。

热心网友 时间:2024-08-11 01:12

Laura is my good friend. We both like sport.She plays tennis at least twice a week. Last sunday, in the morning, she bought her mother a scarf. In the afternoon, we went to huayi cinema to watch movies, for the seat there was the most comfortable. At the end of the day ,she felt tired but happy. She wants to be a famous pianist when she grows up. Therefore, she should practice hard the piano from now on.

Ihave a friend her name is lauar ,we both like sport 。she plays tennis at least two times every week。Last sunday she bought a scarf inthe morning,and then we went toHUAYI cinema to watch a movie,because,the seats in there are the most comfortable。End of the day ,she...


Laura is my good friend. We both like sport.She plays tennis at least twice a week. Last sunday, in the morning, she bought her mother a scarf. In the afternoon, we went to huayi cinema to watch movies, for the seat there was the most comfortable. At the end of the ...

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