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How to become a 'mature' person。是什么意思?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-16 01:36



热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 19:50


热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 19:43

"This is my life, who also don't expect me how to live."

This is typical of YiLunYi Buddha's type motto. He is a devil incarnate, what? Or an angel? Like his lazy to understand the world, the world seems to have never understand him. How to evaluate him? Even god will also have a headache. Mike bibby said: "I can only god. Iverson? I didn't even god will judge him.

Height, weight, 1 meter 83 74.8 kilograms, three league all-star game, scoring, double finals MVP in NBA history, and have the most sub-field 40 players... Truly, let a person cannot put these together, but Allen iverson did, with this, he become a hero to become a classic,. The league for anyone not stopped him, or he will give you the game again "answer" -- in his steps to show you. Why would he have courage, with his thin body, the impact of the people inside; alliance? Again he tell you "answer" is very concise, "basketball and true height, the key is in your heart, how tall you are."

Iverson debut in 1996, the golden generation can be used to describe the terrorist runoff. Besides iverson and kobe Bryant, associating Finn marbury, Antoine walker, ray Allen, history association, Cardiff Nash o 'neal peja stojakovic SiTuoGuKeWeiJi, YiErGeSiKaSi LaXiM, marcus camby,... But it still does not affect the identity of the first iverson into the NBA, and become the most powerful and entertaining game players, with special character, and quite unruly lean and scarred, constantly creates the bulk of his courage.

In the NBA, Allen iverson is Georgetown university basketball star, but before that, he had to football quarterback's identity was the best team ever. Years later, he still like to play football in the integrated into inside scoring, regardless of more than ten body injury, who has heard because of pain and Allen iverson complain? In many profess "professional" player to hurt, and YingYingGouGou for self-preservation, iverson only use a determination and confidence in their eyes and a breakthrough, tell everyone what is "professional", what is the love of basketball "and" loyalty ".

In 2001, iverson stood in the finals of wooden floor, his lonely silhouette and OK combination of attractive to form bright contrast, the theory of Philadelphia far less power, but the lakers are met a BuXinXie's Allen iverson, he knocked to the ground by time, even out the blood, but he has no pause, wipe dry mouth shirt with the blood, and continue to fight! This is not to "hero" 2 words best explanation! ? The championship year without the ownership of the suspense, but the final - but iverson warrior! Many years later when I recall that picture is still the finals, Allen iverson and desperate to break up from the floor, again and again, the eyes, and a determination that the soldiers with the blood of the shirt.

Today, when the young maverick junichirokoizumi Philadelphia, is no longer a foolish boy, but still the 30 iverson Allen iverson, just a few more stable. "Want to become the best point guard, I need to play in mind, like John stockton that playing -- this is what I wanted to do, I think there is nothing I couldn't do that." Still with that, but the words clearly with somewhat mature and stable. Mature mind would make him more threatening, but never change - incredible bravery and matchless self-confidence, it belongs to iverson's character. For the future, from his confidence in the eyes, I again saw him "answer".

Often, I'll be in this thinking: will there be one day, little iverson again in the finals opponent to the floor, and MingXiang, even get championship? Those touching screen and once again follow - after the fall, and climb up, The blood flow with shirt is wiped dry. Quiet, it seems that I heard that a brave heart pounding, at the same time, and then a touching, another of the brave tremor declaration:

"Basketball and true height, the key is in your heart," this is my life, who also don't expect me how to live. "

热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 19:45


热心网友 时间:2024-08-01 19:43

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