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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-13 10:36



热心网友 时间:2024-07-19 14:20

What we expect in life
What is the significance of life?Someone said, life is beautiful, the meaning of life lies in the love.
We should be open to accept God give everything we, magnanimous tolerance, all with a optimistic view of things around, always have a good mood in life.
American President Harry Lincoln once remarked: "the fountain height does not higher than its source, one's career is also so, her achievements will never be more than their ideal." This is about the realization of the value of life a saying.
I think we should cherish the time, effort, struggle, struggle to realize the value of life.
What is the significance of life?Someone said, life is beautiful, the meaning of life lies in the love.
We should be open to accept God give everything we, magnanimous tolerance, all with a optimistic view of things around, always have a good mood in life.
American President Harry Lincoln once remarked: "the fountain height does not higher than its source, one's career is also so, her achievements will never be more than their ideal." This is about the realization of the value of life a saying.
I think we should cherish the time, effort, struggle, struggle to realize the value of life.

《我理想中的高中生活》的英语作文 In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer....


An Outlook on Future What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products ...


Creativity is the vital productive force in the human civilization. As we all know, there are a great deal of inventions, which invented by numerous inventors, that help us to master the use of nature and substances better and to live a better life.Briefly, I would like to men...


in KANGKONG,everybody communicate with you alway with some word in English ,if you don't know English ,You like derail with the world,Not to mention to join the exhibition .So English is very import ,

英语作文 我理想中的高中生活

如下:Generally speaking, life in high school is busy and fulfilling, due to the ultimate goal---College Entrance Examination. Many people say that there is no fun left but bored study and endless exercises.一般来说,高中生活是忙碌而又充实的,因为我们最终的目标都是高考。很多人说,...


Almost everyone is familiar with the brand Coca-Cola. When we strive for comprehensive development on all fronts, we cannot avoid engaging with different countries. Thus, globalization has emerged as an unstoppable force. Opinions on this matter vary widely. Some individuals argue that ...


在过去几年中,我们家的生活发生了很多变化。最重要的变化是我们家新增了一个成员 - 我的小妹妹。她的到来给我们带来了很多欢乐和幸福。有了一个新生命,我们的日常生活发生了很大的变化。我的父母现在不得不花更多的时间照顾我的妹妹,这意味着他们有更少的时间和我和我哥哥在一起。然而,我们都在...

colours in our life英语作文, 我们生活在五彩缤纷的色彩世界当中,我们...

Let's try to use colours to make our lives better.中文翻译:我们生活中的色彩世界充满了色彩。我们应该学会如何使用颜色。当我们感到悲伤时,我们可以选择明亮的颜色来让自己振作起来。当感到压力时,我们可以用平静的颜色使自己感到放松。在夏天,我们可以穿浅色衣服来感觉凉爽。冬天,我们可以穿暖色...


I have a neighbor who likes listening to music very much.But the volume of the music is too loud that effect my work and my life.I can't study very well.I am angry about that.So I decide to find my neighbor to solve this problem. Finally he makes apology for me....

...English Learning"为题,写一篇80词的英语作文。


我的日常生活英语作文 我的寒假生活英语作文 我未来的生活英语作文 英语的重要性英语作文 关于生活的英语作文 以梦想为题的英语作文 我的朋友英语作文 未来生活英语作文 我的周末英语作文
创想兵团卡bug会被举报吗 创想兵团生化模式在船的楼梯口怎么卡bug 创想兵团公爵宝藏bug,我看见有人在射击范围外面的高山上,我打不死... 口袋妖怪究极绿宝石5.5主线剧情怎么通关 详细通关攻略分享 创想兵团bug怎么卡 牛奶黑米面蔓越莓小面包做法大全 黑米豆沙南瓜面包制作步骤 黑米糊面包简介 ...的是男主角与男主角找工作时结果该公司的社长爱上了 黑米糊面包食材 帮忙写一篇100个单词以上的英语作文,急!在线等。 浦东针灸减肥哪里有? 番石榴怎样保存长久 番石榴如何保存长久 电脑高手来看一下 教我怎么加显存 秦岭最适合避暑的景点 车牌号 湘b表示什么 新老茅台回收公司选哪家更好? 闲鱼买家确认收货之前可以退款吗? 闲鱼签收了但未确认收货可退款吗 闲鱼买号没有确认收货可以退款吗 广德盛远建设工程有限公司怎么样? 广德哪个镇最好 广德县桃州镇界牌村经济发展 广德有配罐车钥匙的吗 广德县桃州镇白洋村人口面积 广德县桃州镇界牌村组织建设 四川新都美食推荐火锅:四川新都美食推荐火锅有哪些? 尹天雪演员介绍 广平拒涉县九峰山森林公园多远 ...但是有声音是什么问题,电视设置里也没有屏保这个设 菊蕊白咋调 建行信用卡网上申请流程 女孩说无聊是什么意思? 如何评价电影《欢乐喜剧人》? 怎么给电解电容器充电 黄埔区鱼珠街道离何棠下多远 hd pe是什么材质 HDPE穿线管能用胶粘吗? 天津滨海新区大港有德高望重的老中午吗? 清明节的前一天晚上,去世的外婆托梦回来,说我没去拜祭她,这代表什么... 胃大部切除术后营养护理 家居行业怎么推广自己的产品? 中泰集团属于央企还是国企 自从知道自己患有乙肝后,心情极差,不想去理睬任何人,我该怎么办? 知道自己得病后一直处于焦虑状态怎么办?处于这种状态已经有四年了 我是一名乙肝携带者,本来身体很好,自从结了婚8年了一直被婆家嫌弃,我... 红外气体分析器的原理 土壤对养分的吸收性状有哪几种? 怎么用cad画出装订线位置? 为什么世界有坏人呢