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求Beni Benjiman - Saying Goodbye 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-13 05:31



热心网友 时间:2024-08-09 17:38

(Verse 1)
I woundered one day that it will come around
That you been thinking about
And feeling the way you do
It was a long time coming
Your started crying
Your telling me somethings wrong

Tell me exactly what your feeling baby
Let me know if this is real oh
Do stand here right by your side
Till you say other wise
Is this right for the two of us
To go on

Tell me where im gonna stand_ten years from now
Tell me how i am going on_living without
Tell me how i am spouse to stay strong
Tell me how i am spouse to walk alone
Tell me how my heart is going to survive_
Saying good bye

(Verse 2)
My hearts was an open door
You came in and called it home
There was no key to find
It was there right from the start
You can see my soul found you
But now your telling me something
I wont understand looking at you

So just tell me that your staring to walk away
Our life together is being trown away
Its time you started to live your life
With out me and my love to guide your light

Tell me where im gonna stand_ten years from now
Tell me how i am going on_living without
Tell me how i am spouse to stay strong
Tell me how i am spouse to walk alone
Tell me how my heart is going to survive_
Saying good bye

I see tommorros sunrise as I stand alone
taking the last breath before i go
Good bye my baby
good bye friend
i ll never forget the times we spent
I m saying Good Bye

Tell me where im gonna stand_ten years from now
Tell me how i am going on_living without
Tell me how i am spouse to stay strong
Tell me how i am spouse to walk alone
Tell me how my heart is going to survive_
Saying good bye
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