发布时间:2024-07-22 16:41
时间:2024-07-24 10:36
HIV-related dementia, commonly abbreviated as "HAD," stands for the condition in which individuals with advanced HIV infection experience cognitive difficulties, particularly in memory and learning. This term specifically refers to the dementia that can develop in association with the disease. The Chinese equivalent for "HAD" is "艾滋病相关痴呆," with the pinyin being "ài zī bìng xiāng guān chī dāi." In terms of popularity, the abbreviation has a frequency of 28 in the English language, indicating its usage in the medical context.
The abbreviation HAD falls under the Medical category, particularly in discussions surrounding the effects of HIV on the brain. One example of its application is in the understanding that manipulating PAF (platelet-activating factor), such as blocking its receptor, holds potential as a therapeutic strategy for not only Alzheimer's disease but also for HIV-associated dementia and neuronal death resulting from ischemia (lack of blood flow to the brain).
It's important to note that while "HAD" is widely recognized as an abbreviation for "HIV-associated dementia," its usage should be considered in an educational or informative context, as it primarily serves as a technical term within the medical field. For further study or discussion, the original source should be consulted for accurate and up-to-date information.
HIV-related dementia, commonly abbreviated as "HAD," stands for the condition in which individuals with advanced HIV infection experience cognitive difficulties, particularly in memory and learning. This term specifically refers to the dementia that can develop in association with the disease...
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英语中的缩写词"ART",全称为"Anti Retroviral Treatment",直译即为“抗逆转录病毒治疗”。它在医学领域内具有较高的使用频率,中文拼音为“kàng nì zhuǎn lù bìng dú zhì liáo”,表示对抗HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒)的治疗策略。自27年前抗逆转录病毒药物引入以来,其应用速度已超过病毒传播本身...
在中文中,它的拼音是"xìng chuán bō gǎn rǎn",在英语中的流行度相当高,达到了2596次。STIs的分类广泛,包括但不限于艾滋病、梅毒、淋病等,这些疾病在性行为中是重要的公共卫生议题。STIs的缩写在医学文献、健康教育、公共卫生公告以及在线交流中频繁出现,是专业人员和公众了解性健康风险的重...
英语中的缩写词 "AI" 常常被解读为 "Active Ingredient",中文对应为“活性成分”。这个术语主要应用于学术科学领域,特别是在植物学中。AI代表的英文单词Active Ingredient,其拼音是"huó xìng chéng fèn",在英语中的流行度达到了216。它涉及的分类和应用广泛,例如,某些漱口剂中的活性成分可能是...
英语缩写词PMTCT,全称为"Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission",直译为“预防母婴传播”。它在医学领域中具有重要的应用,特别是在生理学方面,其流行度达到了14597次。PMTCT主要关注于防止艾滋病等传染病从母亲传播给新生儿或婴儿,包括抗逆转病毒治疗在内的一系列预防措施。PMTCT的中文解释为“预防...
1运动神经元症“渐冻人症”是运动神经元疾病(Motor Neuron Disease,简称M.N.D.)的一种,医学上称肌萎缩侧索硬化症(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,简称A.L.S.),因为特征性表现是肌肉逐渐萎缩和无力,身体如同被逐渐冻住一样,故俗称“渐冻人”,又因美国著名棒球明星Lou Gehrig死于此病而称为...
AI作为活性成分的英文缩写,其在英语中的应用和含义是什么?_百 ...
英语中的缩写词 "AI" 常常被解读为 "Active Ingredient",中文对应为“活性成分”。这个术语主要应用于学术科学领域,特别是在植物学中。AI代表的英文单词Active Ingredient,其拼音是"huó xìng chéng fèn",在英语中的流行度达到了216。它涉及的分类和应用广泛,例如,某些漱口剂中的活性成分可能是...