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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 15:06



热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:14

The fluctuation of the economic development will have an influence on the circulation and pratical turnouer of the lottery ,on the expectant rising rate and the scale of the market.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:15


另:are you a translator?


热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:11

A. The economical development undulation can affect the lottery ticket release quantity and the actual sales volume, affects the anticipated rate of increment and the market overall scale,
B. Only is the goal region cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
C. In the management pattern utilizes " the time power " the reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention management talented person, eliminates trade or craft competition the pressure;
B. Economical development hot spot transformation and it to consumption pattern influence, also can create the color people buys the color disbursement the undulation;
B. Only is the goal region cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
C. In the management pattern utilizes " the time power " the reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention management talented person, eliminates trade or craft competition the pressure;
A. This company already had one entire set of process actual examination successful camp sells the pattern, the resistance camp sells the way the risk;
B. In the different goal region, unifies this local the characteristic, adopts the fusion the method, eliminates risk which the camp sells; C. In view of the different stage and the different time change, unceasingly explores and the improvement camp sells the strategy, also may avoid the camp sells the risk;
A. This this financing adopts is the usufruct sharing pattern, has the stable anticipated income safeguard, may avoid the pure creditor's rights financing risk;
B. The financing repayment is by the government local finance payment income fund, therefore does not have the idea proposes the risk which the bad account and refuses to pay money;
C. The financing repayment rate risk main existence sells the risk to the market and the camp, but in view of this two risk, this company has the integrity, may the operational measure, performs to avoid

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:12

A. The economical development undulation can affect the lottery ticket release quantity and the actual sales volume, affects the anticipated rate of increment and the market overall scale

B. Only is the goal region cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:16

The A. economy development undulation can affect the lottery ticket quantity issued and the actual sales volume, affects the anticipated rate of increment and the market overall scale, B. only is the target sector cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
In the C. management pattern utilizes □the time power □reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention managerial talent, eliminates the trade or craft competition pressure;

B. economy development hot spot transformation and it to consumption pattern influence, also can create the color people to buy the color disbursement the undulation;

B. only is the target sector cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
In the C. management pattern utilizes □the time power □reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention managerial talent, eliminates the trade or craft competition pressure;

A. this company's already had the one whole set to pass through the actual examination successful marketing pattern, the resistance marketing way risk;
B. in the different target sector, unifies this local the characteristic, adopts the fusion the method, eliminates the marketing the risk;
C. in view of the different stage and the different time change, explores and the improvement marketing strategy unceasingly, also may avoid the marketing risk;

A. this this financing adopts is the usufruct sharing pattern, has the stable anticipated income safeguard, may avoid the retinitis simplex creditor's rights financing risk;
The B. financing repayment is by the government local finance payment income fund, therefore does not have the idea to propose the risk which 坏账 and refuses to pay money;
The C. financing return to scale risk mainly exists in the market and the marketing risk, but in view of this two risk, this company has the integrity, the feasibility measure, performs to avoid;

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:09


另:are you a translator?


热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:12

A. The economical development undulation can affect the lottery ticket release quantity and the actual sales volume, affects the anticipated rate of increment and the market overall scale

B. Only is the goal region cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:13

The fluctuation of the economic development will have an influence on the circulation and pratical turnouer of the lottery ,on the expectant rising rate and the scale of the market.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:13

A. The economical development undulation can affect the lottery ticket release quantity and the actual sales volume, affects the anticipated rate of increment and the market overall scale,
B. Only is the goal region cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
C. In the management pattern utilizes " the time power " the reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention management talented person, eliminates trade or craft competition the pressure;
B. Economical development hot spot transformation and it to consumption pattern influence, also can create the color people buys the color disbursement the undulation;
B. Only is the goal region cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
C. In the management pattern utilizes " the time power " the reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention management talented person, eliminates trade or craft competition the pressure;
A. This company already had one entire set of process actual examination successful camp sells the pattern, the resistance camp sells the way the risk;
B. In the different goal region, unifies this local the characteristic, adopts the fusion the method, eliminates risk which the camp sells; C. In view of the different stage and the different time change, unceasingly explores and the improvement camp sells the strategy, also may avoid the camp sells the risk;
A. This this financing adopts is the usufruct sharing pattern, has the stable anticipated income safeguard, may avoid the pure creditor's rights financing risk;
B. The financing repayment is by the government local finance payment income fund, therefore does not have the idea proposes the risk which the bad account and refuses to pay money;
C. The financing repayment rate risk main existence sells the risk to the market and the camp, but in view of this two risk, this company has the integrity, may the operational measure, performs to avoid

热心网友 时间:2024-08-19 09:11

The A. economy development undulation can affect the lottery ticket quantity issued and the actual sales volume, affects the anticipated rate of increment and the market overall scale, B. only is the target sector cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
In the C. management pattern utilizes □the time power □reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention managerial talent, eliminates the trade or craft competition pressure;

B. economy development hot spot transformation and it to consumption pattern influence, also can create the color people to buy the color disbursement the undulation;

B. only is the target sector cultural connotation has the certain characteristic difference, this company adopts is hires the principle, basically completely avoids from this the risk which brings;
In the C. management pattern utilizes □the time power □reward policy, effectively the attraction and the retention managerial talent, eliminates the trade or craft competition pressure;

A. this company's already had the one whole set to pass through the actual examination successful marketing pattern, the resistance marketing way risk;
B. in the different target sector, unifies this local the characteristic, adopts the fusion the method, eliminates the marketing the risk;
C. in view of the different stage and the different time change, explores and the improvement marketing strategy unceasingly, also may avoid the marketing risk;

A. this this financing adopts is the usufruct sharing pattern, has the stable anticipated income safeguard, may avoid the retinitis simplex creditor's rights financing risk;
The B. financing repayment is by the government local finance payment income fund, therefore does not have the idea to propose the risk which 坏账 and refuses to pay money;
The C. financing return to scale risk mainly exists in the market and the marketing risk, but in view of this two risk, this company has the integrity, the feasibility measure, performs to avoid;
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