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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 06:30



热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 19:15

Enterprise income tax domain, what our country implements at present is the inside and outside is able to discriminate the two-track system, what namely is suitable to the Foreign-funded enterprise is "Foreign invested company And Foreign enterprise Obtained Tax law", what is suitable to the domestic capital enterprise is "Enterprise Income tax Temporary regulation". Inside and outside this kind is able to discriminate the income tax policy mainly manifests in the form aspect in the two legislates separately, moreover the potency varies, is the law outward, is the administrative rules and regulations internally; Mainly manifests in the substantive aspects in the enterprise income tax taxation main body and the income main body is different, the tax rate is different, before the tax, deducts the standard to be different, is different to the property tax treatment, tax preference policy different and so on. From this causes the Foreign-funded enterprise to have the very big difference in the income tax burden aspect. In this article is for the purpose of the Foreign-funded enterprise income tax merge implementation making some correlation analyses and the discussion.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-15 19:13

Enterprise income tax domain, what our country implements at present is the inside and outside is able to discriminate the two-track system, what namely is suitable to the Foreign-funded enterprise is "Foreign invested company And Foreign enterprise Obtained Tax law", what is suitable to the domestic capital enterprise is "Enterprise Income tax Temporary regulation". Inside and outside this kind is able to discriminate the income tax policy mainly manifests in the form aspect in the two legislates separately, moreover the potency varies, is the law outward, is the administrative rules and regulations internally; Mainly manifests in the substantive aspects in the enterprise income tax taxation main body and the income main body is different, the tax rate is different, before the tax, deducts the standard to be different, is different to the property tax treatment, tax preference policy different and so on. From this causes the Foreign-funded enterprise to have the very big difference in the income tax burden aspect. In this article is for the purpose of the Foreign-funded enterprise income tax merge implementation making some correlation analyses and the discussion.

causes it to adapt the market economy request, promotes Our country Small and medium-sized enterprise reform and the development. the financial control is the modern business management core, Our country Small and medium-sized enterprise financial control existence many difficulties and the ...


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it describes the effective performance of energy saving and consumption reduction attained from the optimization of mine water treatment process by adopting several measures such as the free flow treatment, the setting up of several independent mechanical agitation pools with parallel running, ...


is particularly important to the development of enterprises.Reasonable and scientific to inherent assets depreciation can not only reflect the enterprise economic benefit, but also have a large impact on the follow-up investment.In this paper, combined with the current status of China's ...


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Any information system , the hidden trouble disregarding whose how perfect , working safe control function environment how safe, there existing safety in city. The main body of a book the characteristic according to network Accounting Information Systems , at present informationize union our...


翻译:[to] picked In response to the state environmental protection policy, lae of # 3 boiler of power plant low nitrogen combustion, to achieve the goal of nox emission concentration is lower. Before the furnace denitration technology (LNB) there are many, but there is only one ...

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