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高分悬赏!全英文duty report翻译。急好的会另外追加!有PPT演示...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 04:13



热心网友 时间:2024-08-11 03:28

Hello, everyone. Today is my duty report for you. Today I introduce my hometown Jingzhou. The point on the graph is the Jingzhou position in the whole country, today I is divided into five sections to introduce my hometown. Please watch the view Jingzhou city promotional film first. After we finished watching video on my home has a certain understanding. Next, let us work together to enjoy the beautiful night view of Jingzhou. Speaking of Jingzhou will have to say about our Jingzhou diet culture and special breakfast. Let us watch the video early in Jingzhou. Finally, introduced Jingzhou to introduce myself. This photo was taken in Shenzhen when I was small, it was so cute, huh. This photo is me and my brother, remember that we have a snowball fight in the winter, my father to take the. This is my primary school graduation picture, this is my high school in the Hubei High School of Shashi Province, next to the high school period I. The two photo is of my high school graduation and students together to beat spoof photos, this is the photo of me and my best friend in this photo I took a big risk to decide to give you ah, is to make everyone happy. Ha ha ha. Well, my duty report here it was all over, very glad to share with you, thank you for your listening. Thank you.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-11 03:29

hello everybody Today is my on duty report for everyone. Today I to introduce you to my hometown is jingzhou. The point on the graph is jingzhou to locations around the country, today I is divided into five sections to introduce my hometown to you. The first watch to view jingzhou city promotion. Believe that after you finished to watch video on my hometown have a certain understanding. Below to let us together to appreciate the beautiful night scene images in jingzhou. Said to have to say about our jingzhou jingzhou breakfast food culture and characteristics. Let's watch the video below early in jingzhou. Finally, this paper introduces finished jingzhou to introduce myself. This photo was taken in shenzhen when I was a kid, and it was so cute, right? This is ? and I below

热心网友 时间:2024-08-11 03:30

hello everybody Today is my on duty report for ever yone. Today I to introduce you to my hometown is j ingzhou. The point on the graph is jingzhou to locati ons around the country, today I is divided into five s ections to introduce my hometown to you. The first watch to view jingzhou city promotion. Believe that after you finished to watch video on my hometown have a certain understanding. Below to let us togeth er to appreciate the beautiful night scene images in jingzhou. Said to have to say about our jingzhou jing zhou breakfast food culture and characteristics. Let' s watch the video below early in jingzhou. Finally, th is paper introduces finished jingzhou to introduce myself. This photo was taken in shenzhen when I w as a kid, and it was so cute, right? The following this is a picture of me and my brother, remember that is in the winter we snowball fights again, my father to ok to us. This is my elementary school graduation pi cture, this is my high school in hubei province city middle school, this is high school next to me. These last two were taken when I graduated from high sch ool with my classmates of parody, this is a photo of my friend and I this photo but I made a lot of risk t o decide to give you see of, is to make everyone ha ppy. Ha, ha, ha. Ok, my duty report, here is all over, I'm glad to share with you, thank you for your listening.Thank you very much!!

热心网友 时间:2024-08-11 03:32

Hello, everybody!
Today is my turn to make a presentation here. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce my hometown Jingzhou to you all. The dot on the map shows the location of Jingzhou in our country, I would like to present Jingzhou in 5 parts. Firstly I would like you to watch a short documentary film about Jingzhou city to give you a brief viewabout this city. Secondly I would like to show you some photos demonstrating the beautiful aspect of Jingzhou night.
Thirdly, I would like to introduce Jingzhou food to you as when we talk about the city we can never miss the nice food from it, especially the breakfast. Now let us watch the film.
Now I would like to introduce myself to you. Look at the boy in the photo. What a nice boy it is. Who is he? It is me. It was me in Shenzhen when I was only 7 years old. This photo shows I was playing snow fighting with my brother, which was taken by my dad. This photo shows that I was in primary school. This photo shows that I wasin high school, which was Shashi High School. The last two photos were nauty, they were taken by my friends. I show you this photo in a risk of anoying my friend because he hated this photo. OK, That is my. I hope you like it. That is the end of my presentation. Thank you.
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