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英语作文 后天就交!!集!!!(超高分!!!不止100!!4篇)

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-07 02:39



热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 06:29

1.One day a thief was hiding behind a tree when a granny walked up.He suddenly robbed the granny of her purse and ran away quickly.“Robber!Robber!”Shouted the granny.A policeman came and ran after the thief,but didn't catch him.The thief stopped and looked into the purse.To his surprise,there was no money in it.

(1)Please feed the fishes for me
(2)Please make the vase for me
(3)Please buy me a newspaper
(4)Please have my clothes washed.
(5)Please mail the letter for me

3.Dear Jane,
Hello.I am writing to tell you about my birthday.I had a wonderful birthday.I invited many friends to my birthday party.They brought much food,such as steak,eggs,chitcken and some fruit.They were all delicious.Kate,one of my best friends went to the pet shop to buy me a pet cat as the birthday present.Its name is Puppy.I like it so much.I received many presents at the party.
best wishes

4.the School Gardener Talked to Us
I was a gardener of the school.I came there in 1976,I am 59 years old.I was uneducated and had no skills,but I can plant and trees and flowers,and the school needed a gardener,so I applied for the job.
I like the school,like the plants and trees,like the children.They are lovely and polite.How time flies,I'll retire from the work next year.I would like to work as a volunteer and plant some flowers in my own garden when I retire.I'll miss you,the teachers and the students.I'll come to school from time to time to see you.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 06:31


热心网友 时间:2024-08-17 06:25

这个网站可以翻译 你自己输入中文 可以翻译成英文
连句子都好用 你去试试吧
你可以输入作文的中文 然后一翻译 你就可以直接抄了
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